
surviving without the doctor

Homeopathic Remedies for Tooth/Teeth Problems

teethBelow you will find a comprehensive list of homeopathic remedies that are most useful for problems with teeth and are most often used by holistic dentists. I can personally attest to the use of many of these remedies due my years of personal use. As for the dental part, I have found hypericum and arnica to be my go to remedies along with silicea. These were the main 3 that I used during my experience with the cracked teeth. The beauty of homeopathic remedies is that are inexpensive, never go ‘bad’ if kept properly and you will KNOW if you are using the correct one within several minutes as symptoms will begin to ease quickly. Also, homeopathic remedies can be used for many other physical problems, injuries, etc. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have. And as always, see a dentist as soon as possible, when possible.

Belladonna – Best used for early dental abscess accompanied by redness and throbbing.
Bryonia – Use for acute inflammation or if pricking pain is relieved by firm pressure.
Hepar Sulphuris – Use for abscess accompanied by pus formation.
Myristica – Use when swelling is accompanied by numbness of the area.
Pulsatilla – Use when the pain is accentuated by heat and relieved by cold water.
Pyrogenium – Use when pus is present without drainage.
Silicea – Use to hasten the discharge when pus is draining.This remedy suits especially abscesses about the roots of the teeth and dental fistulae; the pains are worse from eating warm food or or when cold air gets into the mouth; they are worse at night and the teeth feel loose.

Aconite – Use for panic, fright, and general mental and physical restlessness, or sudden violent attacks.
Calcerea carbonica – Use for the fearful, weary, and hopeless person who worries toward evening.
Coffea cruda (potentized coffee) – Works well as a tranquilizer.
Chamomilla – as a tranquilizing action for restful sleep. Also raises low pain threshold.
Gelsemium sempervirens- works well for panic attack worry/fear
Nux vomica – Works well in many high strung, nervous, irritable people with stomach problems.
Pulsatilla – Use for states of anxiety.

Belladonna – Use for grinding problem that causes painful teeth.
Podophyllum – Use for night grinding when experiencing a burning sensation of the tongue.
Tuberculinum – Use for children who grind their teeth.
Zlncum metallicum – Use for teeth gritting during difficult times/stress and associated with loose teeth and bleeding gums.


Arsenicum album – Use for unhealthy, bleeding gums.
China – Use for gum tissue that is bleeding.
Ferrum phosphoricum – Use for poor gum tone or gums that bleed after brushing.
Hypericum – Use for tender gum tissue and to promote healing.
Kali chloricum – Use for acute ulcerative tissue.
Mercurius- more often indicated in toothache than any other remedy. Its special indications are a pulsating toothache, due to inflamed dentine or to periostitis of the sockets; it is worse at night and in damp weather. The teeth feel elongated and sore, and this soreness affects the whole of the jaw and face, and is worse from warmth, somewhat relieved by gentle rubbing of the face. It is the chief remedy in painful ulcerations at the roots of the teeth and for pain in the hollow teeth, the gums are swollen, ulcerated and retracted from the teeth, and there is usually an offensive odor from the mouth.
Naturium muriaticum – Tissue integrity.
Hepar sulphuris – Tissue with suppuration, chronic abcesses.
Silicea – Periodontal abscess with swollen glands.
Staphysagria – Loose teeth, pain increased by pressure.With this remedy the gums are unhealthy and retracted, and there is a tendency to decay of the teeth. They turn black and crumble as soon as they appear, a condition found in sycotic children. It is a splendid remedy for gnawing in the roots of decayed teeth, affecting a whole row, and is especially adapted to old women who have a mouthful of painful stumps.
Symphytum – Injuries to periosteum. Stimulates growth of epithelium on ulcerated surfaces.
Mercurius solubilis – Use for acute ulcerative tissue with a coated tongue and metallic taste in the mouth.
Nux vomica – Use for swollen painful gums when the back of the tongue has a whitish coating and when the patient consumes a lot of stimulants such as coffee and tea.
Phosphorus – Use on swollen gums that bleed easily, and when there’s an overproduction of saliva.
Ruta graveolens – Use for injured bone and alveolitis (“dry socket”).

Arnica – Use for bleeding accompanied by bruised soreness.
Ferrum phosphoricum – Use when there is bright red bleeding.
Phosphorus – Use for persistent bleeding.

Arnica- use for feeling of being bruised/broken with dull throbbing especially when it hurts to talk.
Aconite – Trigeminal neuralgia
Aranea diadema – Use for radiating pain in the right side of the face that is aggravated by cold. Also use for sudden, severe pain in the teeth at night after lying down.
Cuprum metallicum – Use for cramping of muscles.
Gelsemium sempervirens – Use to relieve headache and pain of the upper back and neck, which extends over the head and for dizziness and numbness.
Hypericum- use for sharp nerve like pain.
Ignacia – Use for headache as if a nail were driven through the side of the head.
Lachesis – Left-sided complaints
Lycopodium – Right-sided complaints
Magnesia phosphorus – Use for spasmodic pains made worse by cold water and made better by heat and rubbing.
Sanguinaria – Right-sided neuralgia-facial migraine.
Spigelia – Use for pain involving the eye, cheek, and left temple areas.
Zincum phosphoricum – Sharp pains on right side of head.
Zincum valerian – Sharp pains on left side of head.

Apis mellifica – Good for post-injection soreness after dental work.
Chamomilla – Give one hour prior to dental appointrnent for patients with a low pain threshold. It also expedites the wearing off of the numbness following the dental appointment.
Hypericum – Use where there is an injured nerve.
Ledum – Use for puncture wounds and soreness resulting from a dental injection.
Magnesia phosphorica – Use for stiff, sore jaws following prolonged dental work when the muscles are cramped and feel better with warmth.
Staphysagria – Use for incision-type wounds after soft tissue surgery.
Symphytum – Use for trauma of bone and periosteum and damaged teeth

Baryta carbonica – Use when there is excessive saliva during sleep.
Bryonia alba – Use for an extremely dry mouth, with dryness of mucous membranes and great thirst.
Phosphorus – Use for hypersalivation and when gums are swollen and bleed easily.
Pulsatilla – Use for diminished saliva with no thirst.

Arum triphyllum – Use for pain in joint on swallowing.
Calcarea flourica – Use for hypermobile joints
Calcarea phosphorica – Use when mouth cannot be opened without pain.
Carbo vegetabilis – Use for vertigo with nausea and tinnitus.
Chamomilla – Use for low pain threshold. Unbearable spasms of pain radiating into the ear.
Cuprum metallicum – Use for trismus of muscles.
Granatum – Use for painful cracking of the joint.
Magnesium phosphorica – Use for muscle spasms.
Phytolacca decanda – Use for earaches with pain extending into teeth, jaw, and throat.
Rhus toxicodendron – Use for joint stiffness that improves with movement and for popping” of TMJ.

Arnica-Use for cracked tooth that hurts with pressure applied, low throbbing pain…think bruised tooth
Antimonium crudum – Use for a toothache that is worse at night and is aggravated by heat.
Aranea diadema – Use for sudden, severe pain in the teeth after lying down.
Belladonna – Use for throbbing tooth that’s worse when pressure is applied. Has toothache from inflammation of dental pulp. The pains are burning and throbbing, worse at night, worse on contact, as in chewing and in the open air. There is a red hot face and great nervous excitability.
Calcarea carbonica – Use for a toothache that worsens when exposed to hot or cold air.
Chamomilla – Use for a toothache with intolerable pain that’s worse from warmth and not better with cold. Excellent remedy in unbearable toothache affecting a whole row of teeth occurring in paroxysms, with pains radiating to the ears. The special features are the intolerance of pain, aggravation, from warmth. It is worse during and after eating warm food, and especially from drinking coffee.
Coffea cruda – Use for toothache that worsens with heat and is relieved by ice. This remedy will often remove the most severe pains of toothache which almost drive the patient frantic. It is a stinging, jerking, intermittent pain, worse while chewing, worse from warm drink, and entirely relieved for a time by holding cold water in the mouth, returning when the water becomes warm. It suits especially hypersensitive, nervous persons.
Ferrum metallicum – Use for a toothache that is relieved by ice water.
Magnesia carbonica – Use for a toothache that is worse at night, Patient must get up and walk about for relief.
Magnesia phosphorica – Use for a toothache that is worse from cold and better from warmth.
Taken all in all, Mercurius is probably more often indicated in toothache than any other remedy. Its special indications are a pulsating toothache, due to inflamed dentine or to periostitis of the sockets; it is worse at night and in damp weather. The teeth feel elongated and sore, and this soreness affects the whole of the jaw and face, and is worse from warmth, somewhat relieved by gentle rubbing of the face. It is the chief remedy in painful ulcerations at the roots of the teeth and for pain in the hollow teeth, the gums are swollen, ulcerated and retracted from the teeth, and there is usually an offensive odor from the mouth.
Plantago major – Use for a toothache that is better with pressure and worse without cold air.
Pulsatilla – Use for a toothache that is relieved by holding cold water in the mouth.
Staphysagria – Use for pain from major decay of a number of teeth.

Calcarea carbonica – Use for a delayed eruption.
Chamomilla – Use for difficult teething.
Zlncum metallicum – Use for teeth gritting during difficult eruption and associated with loose teeth and bleeding gums.

Taken all in all, Mercurius is probably more often indicated in toothache than any other remedy. Its special indications are a pulsating toothache, due to inflamed dentine or to periostitis of the sockets; it is worse at night and in damp weather. The teeth feel elongated and sore, and this soreness affects the whole of the jaw and face, and is worse from warmth, somewhat relieved by gentle rubbing of the face. It is the chief remedy in painful ulcerations at the roots of the teeth and for pain in the hollow teeth, the gums are swollen, ulcerated and retracted from the teeth, and there is usually an offensive odor from the mouth.
Natrum muriaticum – Use for cold sores and fever blisters. Lips and corners of mouth dry and cracked lips.
Nitricum acidum – Use for ulcers with irregular edges and a raw appearance with a tendency to bleed easily.

Dosage Guidelines for Remedies 200 X and Under

Choice of Potency
When the treatment is prescribed on the basis of local signs and symptoms, prescribe low potencies, under 12X.
When the treatment is prescribed on the basis of a mixture of local, general, mental and emotional signs and symtoms, prescribe higher potencies, 30X – 200X.

Times Remedies Should Be Taken

Low potency remedies (under 12X)
first aid every 5-30 minutes
acute conditions every 30 minutes to hourly, decreasing to 3-4 times a day
Medium potency remedies (12X – 30X)
one to three times a day
High potency remedies (30X – 200X)
once a day.
Potency Vs. Duration of Action The lower the potency, the shorter its duration of action (acute conditions). The higher the potency, the longer its duration of action (chronic conditions). As opposed to pathologic or specific symptom prescribing, constitutional prescribing does not treat the disease entity, but rather the symptom complex of the individual who has the disease. The purpose of constitutional prescribing is not to seek to change a patient’s character, but by modifying it’s tone balances it, thereby giving systematic, systemic support to the self-healing effort of the organism. By encompassing the sum total of the individual’s physical, emotional, and mental picture constitutional analysis and prescribing performs psychotherapy while also working on the physical level.

Of note, do not worry if you only have ONE ‘potency’. It will still work, just follow the instructions above for what you DO HAVE

Stay safe and be prepared

November 8, 2014 Posted by | Baby/Infant, Guidelines, Homeopathics, Medical Conditions | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Homeopathy and Herbs During Ebola Threat Pt.1

ebola10There is no cure nor treatment for Ebola. There is only prevention, strengthening our immune system and supportive (palliative) care. While our country has some of the best healthcare available in the world there are other ways that you dear reader can help yourself in the event of the unthinkable…an outbreak of Ebola and what YOU can do before and during an outbreak.

First, let me clear, I am not a licensed health care professional, just someone who is very passionate about alternative therapies. I have managed to live to the rip old age of 42 with very little help from the medical community in dealing with illnesses. I have managed to keep my 5 children out of the doctors office also, none of them have seen a doctor for anything except one case where a school official forced me into getting an ‘all clear’ note from a doctor during a strep outbreak. So with this in mind, let me share with you what you can do for yourself to support your health in the event of an outbreak of ebola.


First things first, prevention is going to be KEY as is the case in type of viral or bacterial ‘outbreak’ within a given population or community. Since we have no vaccine for Ebola at this time we have to fall back onto the basics.

Frequent hand washing with soap and hot water. Hand sanitizers do NOT WORK against many viruses though rubbing alcohol will.
Not touching the eyes, nose or mouth (easiest pathway for germs/viruses/bacteria to enter)
Sanitizing surfaces with bleach or rubbing alcohol.
Avoiding contact with those who may potentially have Ebola (Isolation).

Seems simple right? Well, tomorrow I really want you to practice these preventative measures and then keep on going. It takes time to get into infection control practice.

Next, we want to help your immune system to be at its peak. Ways of doing so can be found here.

Okay, got that down. Now what specifically can YOU do to help your body fight off a potential viral infection? There are a few herbs that are known to help support the body in this matter. Boneset and Goldenseal are the two best for this. Use either one daily. You can find more information on viruses and how to protect yourself from them here in my discussion on Entero Virus 68.

Now, let us say you have done all this, taken all the precautions you can possibly take to keep yourself and your immune system healthy. You hear on the news that an Ebola case has been confirmed within 300 miles of your area. Now what?

Time to REALLY practice your ‘staying healthy protocols’. But there are other things to add to this. If you are a normal healthy person with no pre-existing conditions you could also begin to add either Kola Nut tincture or Japanesse Knotweed tincture. Both of these have highly active compounds that viruses of all sorts do not like. A recent paper was presented in St.Louis, Missouri speaking about Kola Nut extract and Ebola. Sam Coffman over at the Herbal Medic speaks about Japanesse Knotweed and Ebola. I would like to make 2 notes here. Kola Nut contains natural caffeine and would not be suggested for those with high blood pressure or anyone sensitive to caffeine. Japanesse Knotweed must be used sparingly as overuse can cause bowel bleeding in some individuals and must NOT be used in individuals prone to bleeding or suspected of having Ebola. For more information on viruses, herbs and tinctures please visit here.

Homeopathy also offers supportive measures. When dealing with homeopathy less is MORE! According to Dr. Vickie Menear, M.D. and homeopath, found that the remedy that most closely fit the symptoms of the 1914 “flu” virus, Crolatus horridus, also fits the Ebola virus nearly 95% symptom-wise! So what does this mean to you? If Ebola is in your area or near you, you can use Crolatus Horridus 30c to help support your immune system against Ebola.


Homeopathy is a proven and safe method for supporting the body and helping the body to come back into a normal state of health. Used as a preventative this is what you do according to Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na):

ONE DOSE of Crolatus Horridus 30c DAILY IF NEAR BY or potentially exposed to the Ebola virus. (of course all other safety measures should be taken IF you have knowingly been exposed or come into contact with an infected individual)
Stop taking once threat is over!!!
this means in your local area and ONLY in an epidemic/pandemic situation…otherwise follow the advice below.

However, standard prophylaxis protocol maybe used in the event that it is in your REGION (about a 300 mile radius)

According to Miranda Castro (a trained homeopath):
OK, in brief here are my thoughts about using homeopathic remedies as preventatives.
1. The beauty of homeopathy is that less Is more. More is not more. In fact, more can be a bad, bad thing.
2. If you take too much of a remedy – whether you need it or not – and, if you are sensitive in general and/or if you are sensitive to the remedy in particular – you can get symptoms you never had before. They don’t usually last long but they can be a pain. Literally. It’s how we test our medicines.
3. Don’t give the children unnecessary medications. Including homeopathic medicines.
4. Use homeopathic preventatives only in an epidemic. And only if the epidemic is really and truly in your area.
5. The safest preventatives are the ones with a proven track record. Some are nosodes (Pertussin for Whooping Cough, Morbillinum for Measles and so on). Some are not – the genus epidemics is the very best preventative of all (homeopathically) – the remedy that is helping the most in any epidemic.
6. Stick with a 30C potency (unless you are under the guidance of a homeopathic practitioner who has made other recommendations). 30C is strong but gentle and has a proven track record. No need to go higher.
7. You only need to give a single dose every 3-4 weeks – that’s how long the effects of a preventative typically last.

REMEMBER: do NOT take more of any alternative method/remedy than recommended, especially homeopathic…you will make yourself ‘prove’ it (make yourself sick!)

So with this advice in mind, stay safe, be prepared and take good care of yourself and those you love. In a later post I will talk about how to support yourself in case you contract Ebola in spite your best efforts until you can get to professional medical care.


October 13, 2014 Posted by | Herbs, Homeopathics, Infectious Disease, Medical Conditions, Self-Help | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Entero Virus 68…has Polio Mutated?

entero 2Note: this is for informational purposes only. Always seek qualified professional medical care in the event of serious illnesses.

Our country is in fact in the midst of an epidemic called Entero Virus 68 and there are a few children who are dying, becoming very sick and experiencing varying degrees of paralysis. Mostly those with already weakened immune systems or with pre-existing conditions.

I want you to stop and think about something…the children who are getting very sick look remarkably like polio patients. Since the first noticeable out break in California last year (following a campaign to vaccinate everyone against whooping cough) the CDC and doctors have been acting like this is no big deal. But I would say it is. I would suggest that polio has mutated. Can’t prove it, but the duck is sure quacking. And given the population that this ‘entero virus 68’ is hitting I would also further suggest that vaccination of our children could very well be a precluder to this mutation. I am not suggesting not vaccinating, that is between you and your doctor, I am just making note of this.

Per Dr. Dorothy Shepherd:
“Are the inoculations against the various infectious diseases 100 per cent foolproof? Do they not in some cases lead to serum or vaccine disease? Is it not a fact that they often produce severe reactions? Indeed, they have been known to lead to fatal consequences. Have I been more unfortunate than the average homeopathic physician in seeing the negative or disease-producing effects of orthodox prophylaxis? Indeed I was not biased either in the beginning. I was extremely interested in prevention of such diseases as diphtheria and measles and the rest. It was a great disappointment to me to observe the frequent severe reactions in the wake of immunization against diphtheria, and later on the uncertain effects of inoculations against measles, whooping cough, and scarlet fever.
“Now some of my fears of the dangers inherent in the modern methods of inoculations have been proved to be well rounded and correct. Some impartial medical observers in Australia have found that the incidence of poliomyelitis, the modern infantile paralysis, has vastly increased since whooping cough and diphtheria inoculations have become more popular, and that the incubation period of infantile paralysis corresponds closely to, and follows exactly on the correct day after the inoculation has been made (my emphasis) It might have been coincidence, if it had only happened in one or two cases, but unfortunately it has happened in more than 5 per cent of the cases.
It was noticed hereafter that an enormous amount of sickness followed immediately after the immunization. It temporarily reduced resistance to any infection, and they went down with influenza, German measles, whooping cough, and the sickness rate among the nurses was higher during the six months following diphtheria immunization than in any period in the history of the hospital.
On Poliomyelitis
Infantile paralysis is one of the modern varieties of a disease which has come to the forefront during the last fifty to sixty years; gradually it has become more frequent and more virulent.

You can see the entire article here.

A direct quote from Dr. Humphries’ presentation, taken from the Centre for Disease Control website:
“CDC estimation of morbidity and mortality after infection of polio virus…95% infected have no symptoms…4-8% have minor symptoms such as fever, fatigue, nauseas, headache, flu-like symptoms, stiffness of neck and back, pain in the limbs which resolves completely…fewer than 1%(of the 4-8 %) result in permanent paralysis of the limbs, usually the legs and only 5-10% of that 1% die when it affects the respiratory muscles…what other vaccine targeted illness do you know of that is 95% -98 % asymptomatic. (taken directly from here)

With this said, homeopathy offers a way to help the body help itself against various diseases that we now vaccinate against. It is cheap and proven very effective. While homeopathic prophylaxis is now widely accepted in the veterinary community, we in the US are still eating up ‘professional conventional wisdom’ on the necessary need for vaccinations. Yes, they have saved lives, but mother nature has nothing better to do than figure out how to live. We are seeing this with antibiotics right now.

History of the Idea of Homeopathic Prophylaxis
The idea of using a medicine, prescribed homeopathically, for the prevention of disease was present from the very beginning of homeopathy. To my knowledge, the first presentation of this concept was by Samuel Hahnemann in an article, entitled Cause and Prevention of the Asiatic Cholera, which was published in 1831.(1) In this article, Hahnemann suggested a list of remedies (camphora, veratrum, bryonia, rhus toxicodendron, cuprum) that would be of most use in the cholera outbreak that was raging at that time. He was able, from an understanding of the principles of homeopathy and a knowledge of the medicines, to give this guidance even though he, himself, had little experience with the current outbreak of the disease. His followers quickly put these suggestions to the test with remarkable results. In no little way, this predictive ability of Hahnemann’s, in a time of great uncertainty in the use of medicines, was tremendously effective in convincing doctors of the efficacy of homeopathic medicine. To be able to have effective treatment in the face of an epidemic puts aside, at one stroke, the idea of indefinite, imaginary, or placebo effects from use of the medicine.
Later, Boenninghausen, one of Hahnemann’s most able and early students, describes his discovery of the similarity between smallpox (in people) and malanders (in horses).(2) He noticed that when smallpox would appear in an area, the horses would also show the disease of malanders — that these two diseases appeared together. So, because Thuya was considered to be the specific remedy for this problem in horses, Boenninghausen tried it in smallpox in people and found it to be very effective in treatment. He carried this one step further, giving the remedy to members of the same household of the patient ill with smallpox and found it prevented the disease with every person it was used.(3)
It is with this in mind that I would suggest and offer the homeopathic remedy Lathyrus sativa as a prophylaxis (preventative) for this epidemic of ‘entero virus 68’ as it fits the presentation of what we are being told is ‘entero virus 68’. See more information here.

How to do use this homeopathic remedy to help yourself in the middle of this growing epidemic?

According to Miranda Castro (a trained homeopath):

OK, in brief here are my thoughts about using homeopathic remedies as preventatives.

1. The beauty of homeopathy is that less Is more. More is not more. In fact, more can be a bad, bad thing.

2. If you take too much of a remedy – whether you need it or not – and, if you are sensitive in general and/or if you are sensitive to the remedy in particular – you can get symptoms you never had before. They don’t usually last long but they can be a pain. Literally. It’s how we test our medicines.

3. Don’t give the children unnecessary medications. Including homeopathic medicines.

4. Use homeopathic preventatives only in an epidemic. And only if the epidemic is really and truly in your area.

5. The safest preventatives are the ones with a proven track record. Some are nosodes (Pertussin for Whooping Cough, Morbillinum for Measles and so on). Some are not – the genus epidemics is the very best preventative of all (homeopathically) – the remedy that is helping the most in any epidemic. Lathyrus sativus is the one that has a proven track record in polio.

6. Stick with a 30C potency (unless you are under the guidance of a homeopathic practitioner who has made other recommendations). 30C is strong but gentle and has a proven track record. No need to go higher.

7. You only need to give a single dose every 3-4 weeks – that’s how long the effects of a preventative typically last.

8. Give an additional single dose if in direct contact with someone with the disease.
9. The beauty of homeopathy is that less is more

So basically, you will ONLY use lathyrus sativus IF your community has confirmed cases of ‘entero virus 68’.
ONE DOSE (consisting of 3-5 pellets) every 3 weeks. NO MORE THAN THAT
Take an extra dose IF you come into direct contact with a KNOWN/CONFIRMED case.
Stop taking once the threat is gone.

It is that simple.

If you would like more information on how to support yourself in this time of infectious diseases please visit survivalmedicineblog. I have listed 2 great articles on how to support the immune system and what to do to take care of yourself.

Entero Virus 68
Coughs, Colds and Flues

And of course, always use traditional means of prevention: hand washing, keeping your immune system strong, not touching your eyes, nose or mouth.


Be safe and be prepared.

October 13, 2014 Posted by | Herbs, Homeopathics, Infectious Disease | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Stress and Infectious Diseases: STOP THE STRESS!!!

stressimmuneWe have one great defensive team to protect ourselves in this world full of germs, viruses and bacteria our immune system. We are born with it and while not perfect, it keeps us alive in most cases if we ‘catch’ something and it has a great memory for prior foreign invaders.

Our immune system is what keeps us from having to live a sterile environment and it’s in our best interest to keep our immune system strong so that when some invaders comes a knockin’ we have a fighting chance to live. I would hazard to guess that most people don’t even THINK about their immune system and what would happen if it went bye-bye or was seriously compromised. Day in and day out we go about our lives full of stress and surrounded by germs. So, in this day and age when we typically don’t eat right, sit around a lot and stress out about everything and ding our immune systems with literally hundreds of different chemicals everyday what can we do to support our immune system? Fight STRESS!!!

Stress…stress can kill you and that isn’t a joke…according to Paige Bierma, M.A
“Some kinds of stress — very short-term, that last only a matter of minutes — actually redistribute cells in the bloodstream in a way that could be helpful,” says Suzanne Segerstrom, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky who has conducted studies on stress and the immune system. “But once stress starts to last a matter of days, there are changes in the immune system that aren’t so helpful. And the longer that stress lasts, the more potentially harmful those changes are.”
The fight-or-flight response (short-term stress) goes something like this: When a villager in Africa sees a lion charging at him, for example, the brain sends a signal to the adrenal gland to create hormones called cortisol and adrenaline, which have many different effects on the body, from increasing heart rate and breathing to dilating blood vessels so that blood can flow quickly to the muscles in the legs. Besides helping him run away, this type of acute stress also boosts the immune response for three to five days (presumably to help him heal after the lion takes a swipe at him).
When humans experience stress, our bodies react the same way that animals’ bodies do. Once the lion is gone, a zebra or gazelle’s stress level will return to normal, but humans have more trouble getting back to our routines after a stressful event, whether it’s a car accident or a divorce. We’ll think about it, dream about it, and worry about it for a long time, and that sets us up for long-term problems, says Robert M. Sapolsky, a Stanford University stress expert and author of Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers.
Over time, continually activating the stress response may interfere with the immune system. How this affects your disease risk, Sapolsky suggests, depends partly on your risk factors and your lifestyle, including your degree of social support.

Infectious disease and stress:
A number of vaccine studies have also found that the immune system of highly stressed individuals have sluggish responses to challenges. In one study, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, a pneumonia vaccine was administered to 52 older adults, including 11 people caring for spouses with dementia. After just six months, the levels of antibodies produced against pneumonia in the caregivers had dropped off, while the non-caregivers’ levels remained stable. A similar study in which 32 caregivers were given the flu shot also found that caregivers received less protection from the vaccine than did a control group of non-caregivers.
If you’re stressed out, you’re more likely to get sick — at least it seems that way. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine actually found that higher psychological stress levels resulted in a higher likelihood of catching the common cold. The researchers accounted for many variables — including the season; alcohol use; quality of diet, exercise, and sleep; and levels of antibodies before exposure to the virus — and concluded that higher stress was to blame for lowered immunity and higher infection rates.
In the meantime, there is enough evidence to convince us that we should find healthy ways to keep our stress levels down, which is advice we got from our grandmothers: Eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep.
“Stress is inevitable,” Spiegel says. “The trick is to learn to manage it, to find some aspect of our stress and do something about it. Don’t think in terms of ‘all or nothing’ but in terms of ‘more or less.’ “

An immune system that is continually ‘working, working, working’ never gets a chance to recover so when challenged by an invader it cannot mount an adequate defense.
Learn to manage your stress!

Stressful events are a fact of life and they can be even little ones like too much noise or activity going on around you. You can learn to identify what stresses you and how to take care of yourself physically and emotionally in the face of stressful situations. Learn to UNWIND in a healthy way.

Stress management strategies include:

Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise and plenty of sleep
Practicing relaxation techniques or learning to meditate
Fostering healthy friendships
Having a sense of humor
Seeking professional counseling when needed
Learn to say no! Set yourself realistic expectations and learn how to say “no” when your workload or social and family commitments get too much.
Learn to switch off. Leaving the office for the day? Then it’s time to switch off your work brain as well as your mobile phone. Unless you need to be on call for work, there’s rarely anything that can’t be solved the next day with renewed perspective.
Breathe! When we’re stressed, we tend to shallow breathe. Try to take deeper breaths into your diaphragm.

But hey! There is good news on the stress/immune system relation using herbs called adaptogens and these can be included into your healthy diet as herbal supplements. According to Frank M. Painter, D.C.:
The body expends a great amount of energy keeping itself in a heightened state of readiness. When weakened by prolonged stress–be it caused by lack of sleep, poor diet, chemical toxins in the environment or mental assaults–the body’s ability to maintain homeostasis can be compromised, and illness can result. Adaptogenic herbs have traditionally helped prevent the imbalances that can result from stress and have therefore prevented or minimized disease. At the core of an adaptogen’s scope of actions is the ability to help the body cope more effectively with stress. Specifically, adaptogens recharge the adrenal glands, which are the body’s nominal mechanism for responding to stress and emotional changes. The adrenals, which cover the upper surface of each kidney, synthesize and store dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These compounds are responsible for the changes that occur during the fight-or-flight reaction.

Well known adaptogenic herbs are:


And while mushrooms are not technically herbs Reishi, shiitake, maitake mushrooms have been shown to have adaptogen properties also.

Homeopathy can also play a role in reducing stress levels when needed and be apart of an overall stress reduction program:
According to Claire Zarb LCPH it’s advisable to start with a 30c potency and take every hour or so when the feelings of stress are at their peak.

Argentum Nitricum
Ideal for treating anxiety, caused by the anticipation of a big event, such as an exam, party or public speaking event. Dizziness and diarrhea may also be experienced, especially in the morning. People who need this remedy are often enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency towards being quite impulsive. They often crave sweets which usually make their symptoms worse.
When a dull, heavy, but restless, weariness dominates you, think of Gelsemium. A dose before an exam or interview can keep your mind from drawing a blank. Heavy fatigue with muscular weakness means it’s great for flu, restless colds, diarrhea and dull, pressing headaches. This can be a very steadying remedy, especially to quiet, often low-spirited people who dread public speaking.
Nux Vomica
This remedy’s reputation is based on its ability to treat modern day complaints of indigestion, intoxication, and stress. Nux Vomica acts to neutralize both the effect of stress on the mind, and excess intake of food, alcohol and drugs on the digestive system. Nux Vomica offers comfort when travel, hangovers, busy schedules, overwork, or late night meals cause digestive and mental distress. Ideal if you’re a ‘workaholic’ who is easily irritable and tired.
Ideal for nerves and indecision and especially good if you worry a lot and battle with self-confidence (too much and too little!). Digestively, it applies to acidity, gas, bloating, colic and constipation. There may be a fear of change, irritability, obstinacy, stage fright and exam nerves.

And don’t forget the Food!

According to Michael Ozner, MD, the top 10 stress fighting foods are:
1. Spinach contains magnesium, which helps improve your body’s response to stress and may prevent migraine headaches.
2. Asparagus is a good source of folic acid, which produces serotonin and helps stabilize mood.
3. Beef helps stabilize mood by supplying zinc, iron, and B vitamins.
4. Dairy products such as milk and cottage cheese provide protein and calcium.
5. Nuts and seeds are good stress-fighting snacks. In addition to containing vitamin B12, magnesium, and zinc, almonds also provide vitamin E, which, like vitamin C, fights stress-related free radicals that cause heart disease. Walnuts and pistachios are known to lower blood pressure. Sunflower seeds include folate, which helps produce dopamine, a pleasure-inducing brain chemical.
6. Fruits such as oranges and blueberries contain vitamin C, which fights cancer-causing free radicals. Blueberries also counteract the effect of hormones such as cortisol, and bananas provide potassium, which lowers blood pressure.
7. Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, can boost serotonin levels and limit the production of anxiety hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.
8. Avocados are a good source of monounsaturated fat and potassium, which lower blood pressure.
9. Milk, including skim milk, is high in antioxidants and vitamins B2 and B12 and also provides protein and calcium, which can reduce muscle spasms and tension and soothe PMS.
10. Crispy rice cereal or corn flakes aren’t necessarily low in sugar; however, they offer B vitamins and folic acid, which reduce stress. Have a bowl of whole-grain cereal with milk for a stress-fighting breakfast.
Four foods to avoid:
1. Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate, can cause anxiety and raise stress hormone levels.
2. Sugar causes spikes in blood glucose levels and increases insulin. This affects your adrenal glands, which regulate stress hormones and help the thyroid regulate body weight.
3. Trans fatty acids such as hydrogenated vegetable oil are found in many baked goods and can hinder the immune system and increase the risk of heart disease.
4. Alcohol puts more sugar in the body, and excessive consumption can damage the adrenal glands.
While stress is just one factor in keeping the immune system healthy you can see that there are ways of helping the body to defend itself against stress and boost our body’s resiliency against stress. So get moving, eat ‘right’ and get your SLEEP and don’t forget to add homeopathy and herbs into your life to LIVE! Your immune system will love you!

Stay safe, be prepared!

October 4, 2014 Posted by | Herbs, Homeopathics, Infectious Disease, Self-Help | , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Snake Bite! What to do BEFORE Help Arrives or Just in Case

snakeSnakebites…ewww…those slithery things that make up nightmares (think Snakes on A Plane) but anyway, shiver. I live out in rattlesnake country (along with copperheads and water moccasins…joy) and on top of that, average response time to a 911 call for help can be anywhere from 10 minutes to 45 minute, and that is under good circumstances. And a hospital? At least ½ hour away…paramedics don’t have anti-venom… So, being the person I am when I first moved out to the country I did my homework on how to handle a potentially unpleasant snake bite until I can get professional help. Copperhead bites are rarely fatal, but the timber rattlesnake and water moccasin snakes can cause all sorts of problems including anaphylactic shock. If you ever are bitten by a snake, seek help immediately!

Please note: I am not a ‘trained’ medical professional. All information I provide is for informational purposes only and not intended to treat nor diagnose. ALWAYS get professional help as soon as possible!

Short story time: Last year my dog Maggie, a Pitbull was barking furiously, I go out to investigate and what did I hear? That good ole’ rattle sound…that is a sound you will NEVER forget…thank goodness the snake was on one side of the wooden fence and she on the other. The year before that I was pleasantly surprised (sarcasm included and dripping) by a timber rattler sunning itself on the bottom step of my side porch…needless to say I used the backdoor instead.

Earlier this year my husband and I were out fishing early one morning…yep, guess what we almost stepped all over? And guess what I was wearing for shoes? Never mind, its embarrassing but what can I say? Wake me up at 5 am to go fishing and I probably ain’t smart enough yet But there was a nice copperhead hanging out in the vegetation. I went home that day and bought a good pair of snake boots…never leave home without them now. I have also had the pleasure of scaring a copperhead who was sunning itself near my wood pile, half under it… (I burn wood for the winter)…so I know what is in my yard!

Anyway, my point is that I live in snake country, they are here and I can only do so much to protect me and mine from them (and lest I forget, we have about 6 different types of other snakes who would leave a nasty bruise, one is a nice King Snake that likes to hang out across the garden path, huge thing! But he doesn’t even blink at us nor a dog for that matter we walk back and forth and around him all day long, I am thinking of naming him).

Prevention becomes your biggest friend in avoiding a snake bite.

If you live in snake country and do a lot of outdoor activities, get some snake boots, even for the kids. Barring that, there are other ways to ‘pad’ your lower leg and they do make some sort of snake protection that ties on to your leg.

Wear heavy leather work gloves when working outside. Something is better than nothing.
Pay attention to your surroundings, most especially what is UNDER your feet or where you are sticking your hand.

Don’t try to pick up a snake with your hands (my one daughter is infamous for picking up any and every living thing she finds outside…needless to say she no longer does it to snakes nor spiders after a bit of ‘home schooling’)

Try and keep brush piles gone from around your home and where your kids play.

VaCreepinOutdoors has written and excellent blog about keeping yourself safe from snakes in the great outdoors. You can find that here.

Snake Bites
Snake venom acts as a hemotoxin, damaging blood vessels, or a neurotoxin, affecting the nervous system. Rattle snake, copperhead and water moccasin venom is considered hemotoxic; whereas the coral snakes’ venom is more neurotoxic. Nevertheless, snake venom can affect one or more body systems.
Bites from a rattle snake can causes immediate and extremely painful swelling at the site. This is very characteristic of this group. It can involve the destruction of blood vessels resulting in abnormal coagulation or blood flow. The tissue around the site becomes bruised in a few hours and can become necrotic with time, turning purplish-blue.

The symptoms of snake bites may vary from being mild to acute. Symptoms of snake bites are conditional on the species of snake, the amount of venom injected as well as the age of the victim, normally all such victims are likely to experience the following conditions after a snake bite:

Blood loss from the wound or bruise caused by snake bite
Burning sensation of the skin around the affected area
Cloudy or confusing vision
Seizures or spasm
Diarrhea or dysentery
Lightheadedness or dizziness
Too much perspiration
Marks of snakes fangs on the skin
Rise in body temperature or fever
Enhanced thirst or feeling thirsty despite intake of sufficient fluids
Lack of muscle coordination
Queasiness and vomiting
Fast pulse rate
Debility or general feeling of weakness
Lack of sensation (numbness) and tingling
Death of tissues in the affected area
Acute pain
Swelling at the place of the snake bite
Systemic poisoning includes excessive salivation, vomiting which can lead to hypotension and shock. These symptoms can happen very quickly and if severe, can lead to death on average at about 48 hours. Get help!
It is very important to remember that in children symptoms can become life threatening very quickly. Please make sure you know CPR!

First aid

It is very important for anyone who lives in ‘snake’ country or who camps/hikes/fishes in snake country to know the basics of first aid ‘just in case’ a bite happens. Knowing what to do BEFORE you can get to professional help (which could be hours away) may save your life or someone else’s:

First things first…get a plan, have a plan and be prepared it helps with the first ‘do’:

Stay CALM! It is important that the bite victim remains as calm as possible. If you are bit getting anxious and upset will send your heart rate up which increases circulation. Not to mention how adrenaline works on the body which may cause you or them to do something no so smart. Aconite 30c works best at this point.

Limit the movement of the person who has been bit as much as possible. Again, this is to slow down the venom movement in the blood stream.

DO NOT raise the bite wound above the heart, keep it as low as possible from the heart even if its squirting blood out (this is actually a good thing as venom will come out with the blood)

The wound should be treated like all other wounds. A Sawyer Extractor® for venom extraction is a proven method for reducing the venom from entering the system. This is actually the ONLY approved device approved for extracting venom of all types including bees, wasps and snakes.

Get rid of all rings or other items that may cause constriction since the area around the snake bite will swell.

Remember, the area of the snake bite will gradually swell and become discolored if the snake that bit the victim is venomous.

If you can, keep an eye on the vital signs of the victim, including pulse rate, pace of breathing, body temperature and blood pressure.

If you begin to see signs of shock in the bite victim, have them lay down.

Seek immediate medical help. It is important not to waste any moment after a person has been bitten by a snake.


Never apply a tourniquet or strap near the area where the snake has sunk its teeth.

Don’t make the victim become over-exerted. Carry the victim to a safer place, if it is deemed necessary.

Avoid applying any type of cold compresses to the affected area.

Don’t incise the area of the snake bite with a razor, knife or any other sharp object.

Never try to suck the snake venom out of the victim’s body with your mouth.

Don’t give anything to the snake bite victim to eat or drink.

Don’t elevate the affected area above the level of the person’s heart for it may increase the flow of venom to the heart.

Don’t give the victim any medication, either painkillers or stimulants, these could mask serious symptoms that a doctor/trained professional will need to see in order to asses the bite victim.

So now what? What can you do YOURSELF while you wait for help or are trying to get to help? There are a few that can be used to help you, your furry friend or two legged friend until you can get professional help:

Get and USE A Sawyer Extractor® for venom extraction, follow direction on the package.

Wash and clean the wound as best as possible and keep it as clean as possible. Personally I keep Tea Tree Essential Oil on hand to use after traditional cleansing. Use Tea Tree Essential Oil on and around the wound (about 6 inches diameter). I also keep helichrysum essential oil on hand for wounds.

If you have it handy, use Bromelain (which is a dietary supplement easily found at many stores with a good selections of vitamins) 1000mg as soon as possible after the bite. If need be use 1000mg per hour until you can get help. The snake venom molecule (and most snake and insect bite venoms) are composed of three-dimensional, nearly 100% pure, protein. The strongest known natural solvents for protein molecules are bromelain and papain. Bromelain can be used after you have been released from the hospital too…500mg 8 times a day.

Goldenseal capsules or tincture. 1 tsp immediately after bite and then 20 drops (or 500mg if using powder) 6 times a day. Until you can get help or after returning home.

Echinacea. This famous natural herb stimulates the immune system. It is mentioned as a snake bite remedy in many older herb books. 1000 mg immediately if using powder or 1 tsp of tincture. Take every 20-30 minutes until you reach help (or until you see swelling and bruising subsiding) after that…8 times a day for 10 days (past 10 days Echinacea is no longer effective).

Yellow dock can be used to alleviate symptoms until you can get professional help. Drink a cup of yellow dock tea or take 2 capsules of yellow dock every hour until the symptoms are gone.

Soak and wash wound in activated charcoal until you can get help or until signs are gone. There have been some people who have taken activated charcoal by mouth as directed on the bottle to help also. Activated Charcoal should also be taken by mouth, in the quantity of approx. 2 Tbsp. every 2 hours, for 3 doses, and 1 tsp. every hour for 24 hours. Each dose should be followed by 2 glasses of water.

Black Cohosh (aka Snake Root) applied as a salve or paste to the wound until you can reach help. May also be used as a tincture to help with pain (especially ‘cramping’ like pains).

Now to my favorites because they are easy to take with you into the woods, cheap and last a long time!

If you choose to use homeopathics give every 10 minutes and then back off as symptoms subside. 5 pellets every 10 minutes, then every 20, then every 30 minutes, etc. until you can get professional help. With homeopathy, you are looking at signs and symptoms someone is displaying or MIGHT and then giving the appropriate remedy. If after 3 doses of a given remedy you do not see improvement, then choose another one.

Aconite is beneficial in any situation that causes emotional trauma or hysteria. This remedy is also beneficial for any responder that is in a panicked. THIS IS THE FIRST REMEDY TO GIVE. I carry this with me everywhere!

Apis is useful in reducing an allergic reaction from the insect poisoning and snake venom. It may be used to help reduce the likelihood of anaphylaxis shock or used if the animal is having difficulty breathing.

Arnica is used first for any trauma. It will help minimize the symptoms of shock and the soft tissue damage from the bite.

Crotalus hordius, a homeopath remedy derived from the rattlesnake venom, has shown benefits with doses at 15 minute intervals. Poor circulation and hemorrhaging may be occurring at the bite site.

Hypericum could be used when the bite results in extreme pain especially nerve related pain. Rattle snake bites are known to be very painful and Hypericum just might help.

Lachesis, derived from the Bushmaster snake, is used for bite wounds that turn purplish-blue. There venom results in poor circulation with dark blood that does not coagulate easily. It may help prevent septic (shock) complications.

Ledum is best known for any puncture wounds. It should be given first, after Arnica, for any punctures that might cause infection or pain. The wound area may twitch and feel cold but not always. There may be great swelling and inflammation.

There are a number of other homeopathic remedies to help combat the affects of a poisonous snake bite that should be considered. Belladonna would be useful if the animal or person is restless or delirious with dilated pupils. A sudden, high fever may occur due to the toxins in the system.

Cedron is another rattlesnake remedy.

For any snake bite I would give one dose of Aconite to help them calm down (heck, I would take a dose myself!) Then if I had it on hand while waiting for help or getting to help I would give one dose of arnica, then every 15 minutes rotating, hypericum, then cedron then ledum. Personally I always carry Crotalus hordius…use every 15 minutes until you reach help. And ONE dose of Lachesis 1M.
I understand this seems like a lot to carry with you but I promise, its not! The tubes are very small and light weight and can be used for many other health challenges, not just snake bites!

According to Dr.Eileen Nauman, DHM, DHom(UK) in her book ‘Poisons that Heal’ pg. 83
On the way to the emergency room:
If the skin around the bite becomes purple-red or purplish looking; seepage of dark blood, Lachesis 30c every 5 minutes
Rapid swelling and and bleeding under the skin around the bite, discolored flesh, and the person is extremely sensitive to be jarred or moved: Crolatus Horridus 30c every 5 minutes
Shallow breathing, band around the head sensation, face congested looking with a pale nose and mouth, vomiting, weak pulse (systemic poisoning)Carbolic Acid 6c

She also recommends for ANYONE who is outside a lot or hikes/camps a lot to keep Lachesis 1M in their first aid kit just in case of snakebite. Take one dose every 10 minutes until you reach help.

Being prepared in an emergency could save your life. As someone who lives in area with 3 types of poisonous snakes, spends quite a bit of time outdoors and is far away from help, I like to have a back up plan and this is it until I can reach help.

Hope this helps you prepare! Be safe and be aware that is always your first line of defense…but just in case…

September 30, 2014 Posted by | Essential Oils, Herbs, Homeopathics, Medical Conditions, Self-Help | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Homeopathic Self Care for Colds, Coughs and Fevers


Homeopathic Remedies for Fevers and Coughs

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is basically the use of almost untraceable amounts of animal, plant and mineral substances that help to stimulate the body to heal itself. Homeopathic remedies that ‘heal’ are basically the substance that would induce the ‘symptoms’. It is based upon the belief that like cures like.
The basis of homeopathy rests with matching the specific symptoms (physically, mentally and emotionally) of the illness or injury with those of the given remedy. If a remedy does not work, you can safely assume that the chosen remedy did not closely match the symptoms. In order to ‘choose’ the correct remedy you will want to ask a series of questions before choosing a remedy. You will want to choose the one that most FITS the description of the remedy. You may not have all the ‘symptoms’ that correspond to a homeopathic remedy, but you want the one that has the MAJORITY of the ‘symptoms’ for the remedy. In order to ‘choose’ the correct remedy you will want to ask a series of questions before choosing a remedy. You will want to choose the one that most FITS the description of the remedy. You may not have all the ‘symptoms’ that correspond to a homeopathic remedy, but you want the one that has the MAJORITY of the ‘symptoms’ for the remedy.

Homeopathy can be a very safe and effective way to handle many health challenges. It is fairly inexpensive and very easy to use. You can some on ebay and amazon but personally I like to order from abchomeopathy online.

General Guidelines for How Much to Take.

For the majority of colds and flues, you will give a 30c potency. As a rule, I will use 3-5 pellets or tablets, wait 15 minutes to see if condition improve and/or symptoms subside noticeably. If not, I wait another 15 minutes and then give another dose of 3-5 pellets/tablets. Again, wait to see if improvement happens. If still no improvement, I will give one more time. If no improvement then another remedy is indicated.

IF you see improvement do not give another ‘dose’ of the remedy until symptoms begin to return or become worse again, then give another dose. This will be an ‘as needed’ approach.
Once a person begins to feel much better drop back to only 3 pellets, 2-3 times daily until healed and then one ‘dose’ of 3 pellets daily for 2 more days.

Please keep in mind that there are many remedies for coughs, colds and fevers but typically you will find only 1 or 2 that WORK WELL in that particular person and for that particular illness. Not all colds, coughs and flues are the same!

Fevers: A fever is the body’s attempt to fight infection. In most cases, the fever is
actually helping the body kill the bacteria or virus that is causing the infection. Generally, fevers of 103 degrees or lower are safe; the exceptions are newborns younger than six weeks, those with chronic illness or immune system compromised conditions, and people who tend to have convulsions with fever. If you or your child has a fever and meet any of the exception seek immediate medical help.

Questions to ask yourself or the person you are trying to help to find the ‘right’ remedy for a fever. You may not have to ask all the questions  but this is the list:

How do you feel?
Tell me what’s bothering you.
Tell me more.
Anything else?
What makes it worse?
What makes it better?
When do you notice the fever the most?
How did the fever start?
Are you hot or cold or both?
Do you want to wrap up?
Do you want warm or cool air?
Where in your body do you feel the fever? Heat or cold there?
Do you want warm or cool drinks?
What emotions do you feel prior to and since getting sick?
How quickly did it come on?

Having gathered as much information as possible next look at the remedies below single out the ones that immediately match the answers given. Then look at each remedy selected and choose the ONE that most resembles the ‘symptoms’ (answers) and use that one.

Fever remedies:

Aconite: first stage of colds and coughs, sudden onset, develops after exposure to cold
air or wind, often with high fever, often with restlessness or fear, chill from drafts, heat
comes on during sleep, very thirsty, pupils contracted
Worse: night or after falling asleep, warm room, touch, fright, noise, light
Better: motion helps the chill but in general sitting still helps, open air

chill from 12-2 a.m., periodic (fever comes and goes,) heat of face with
chilled body, thirsty for constant small sips, head feels better from cold, but rest of body
wants warmth, very chilly, increased appetite after chills, restless, fearful, worried
Worse: cold drinks, worry
Better: warm drinks

sudden, intense fever, chill beginning at 3 p.m., dry, burning heat without
chills, face and body burning hot, face red or redness anywhere on body, hands and
feet icy cold, right-sided symptoms, craving lemonade, but generally little thirst, twitching
face or body during fever (main remedy for convulsions/epilepsy after becoming
heated), throbbing, bursting headache, pupils dilated, can go into delirium and
Worse: 3 p.m., sun, light, noise, jarring, drafts, motion,
Better: light covering, bending backward, leaning head against something

Bryonia: slowly developing high fever and painful inflammation, great thirst for large
amounts, left frontal headache, face pale during chill, deep red during heat, irriatable,
wants to be left along, wants to go home, anxiety about finances, very aggravated by
motion, touch
Worse: motion, anger, cold, wet weather, eating
Better: open air, lying still

common children’s remedy, especially during teething, perspiration with
chills, heat only in back or front of body, shuddering with heat, one cheek red and hot,
other pale, excitement, irritability, nothing makes them happy, want things then throw
them away, desires to be held, but it doesn’t always comfort
Worse: 9 a.m. or 9 p.m. or in bed at night, teething, warm covering or uncovering, anger
Better: being carried, sweating, heat, fasting

famous remedy for fevers from malaria or fevers that come and go, thirst with
chills, headache with heat, skin sensitive to touch during fever, weakness or fatigue after
prolonged fever, worse after diarrhea or loss of vital fluids, most sensitive and irritable
during fever, anxiety before chills, sensitive to light, noise, odors, spaced out during chill
Worse: motion, open air, drafts, uncovering, touch
Better: hard pressure, warmth

Eupatorium Perfoliatum: fever with severe pain, especially bone pains, chill
beginning in back or hands, thirsty before or during chill, vomiting bile, craves cold things
during fever, warm things during chill, yawning and stretching before chill
Worse: morning from 6-9 a.m., cold air, motion, smell or sight of food
Better: vomiting bile, conversation, sweating, lying on face

Ferrum Phosphoricum: fever with few other symptoms, early stages of fever, fever
after head injury, headache and flushed face, inflammatory states
Worse: right side, night
Better: lying down, cold applications

Gelsemium: fever with weakness and trembling, chill running up and down back, chill
begins in hands or feet, face flushed dark red, eyelids heavy, blurry vision, worse
anticipating something, especially a test
Worse: fright or excitement, spring, humid weather,
Better: profuse urination, sweating, shaking,

Hepar Sulph: fever with suppurating glands, chills without heat after, can’t get warm
enough, needs all parts covered, fever blisters about mouth, voice hoarse
Worse: uncovering, evening and night, cold, dry air, winter, touch
Better: covering, heat

Lycopodium: chill in afternoon especially 4-8 p.m., forehead furrowed during fever, eye
pain during heat, anxious, wants someone in same room but doesn’t want to interact
Worse: in bed, after sleep
Better: rising from bed, warm drinks, motion, urinating
Mercurious: night-time fevers with sweats and weakness, sensitive to both head and
cold, runny nose, salivation on pillow at night, metallic taste in mouth, urine odorous
Worse: rising from bed, too warm or too cold, sweating, lying on right, changing weather
Better: moderate temperature, rest, morning

Natrum Muriaticum:
fever or chill 10-11 a.m., begins in fingers or toes, severe
headache, especially on right side, especially after grief, complains little, reserved,
craves salty things
Worse: 10-11 a.m., heat of sun, exertion
Better: open air

Nux vomica:
fever with violent heat and chills, after overeating or drinking, headache in
back of head, very irritable
Worse: uncovering at all, turning in bed, open air,
Better: lying very still, warm drinks, heat

Pulsatilla: patternless, constantly changing, clingy, no thirst, wants open air or open
window, tearing in eyes, fever with desire to urinate with nothing passed, numb hands or
feet with chill
Worse: 2-4 p.m., warm room, turning in bed
Better: cold bathing, motion, open air

Rhus-tox: fever with aching, stiffness, restlessness, thirst for small quantities, desire to
stretch, heat on left side, chill on right side or heat on back side of body,
Worse: cold, damp air or weather, getting wet
Better: warmth, warming up body with movement

Next up are the coughs and colds.
Again, we begin with questions-
Questions to ask:
How do you feel?
Tell me what’s bothering you.
Tell me more.
What does the cough feel like?
Anything else?
What makes it worse?
What makes it better?
What body position aggravates the cough?
What body position helps the cough?
What foods do you want?
Do you want warm or cold drinks?
How does swallowing feel (swallowing solids, liquids, empty swallowing?)
What emotions do you feel prior to and since getting sick?
What external things bother you? (light? sound? dust? touching throat? odor?
What kind of weather were you in prior to the cough?
What activities aggravate the cough? (breathing? moving? eructation? talking?
sneezing etc.)
What other conditions accompany the cough? (chills? sleepiness? fever?
diarrhea? etc)
What type of cough is it? (barking? deep? distressing? dry? paroxysmal?
suffocative? whistling? etc.)

Having gathered as much information as possible next look at the remedies below single out the ones that immediately match the answers given. Then look at each remedy selected and choose the ONE that most resembles the ‘symptoms’ (answers) and use that one.

Aconite: first stage of colds and coughs, develops after exposure to cold air or wind,
often with high fever, often with restlessness or fear
Worse: night or after falling asleep, breathing in, lying on either side
Better: lying on back

Allium cepa:
cough from colds or allergies, often with lots of watery discharge from
nose that irritates skin and watery discharge from eyes that is not irritating, cough is
painful, may grasp the larynx with pain at each cough
Worse: evening, warm room
Better: open air

Antimonium-tartaricum: noisy, rattling, loose cough – sounds like chest filled with
mucous but cough too weak to expel mucous, especially in elderly or young children,
person may be irritable or not want to be touched, main remedy for pertussis (whooping
Worse: night, especially 10 p.m. to midnight, becoming irritated, lying
Better: sitting, bending head backwards

Arnica: pertussis remedy, painful, racking cough, person fears each cough, holds chest,
weeping with pain of cough, nose can bleed with cough or burst eye vessels, holds chest
wit each cough, thick, sticky, yellow, can be bloody mucous
Worse: pain
Better: lying with head low or outstretched

Bryonia: severely painful cough felt in whole head and chest, dry cough with each
movement or deep breath, afraid of breathing in
Worse: eating or swallowing, overheating, lying with head low, ascending, raising arms,
bending head backward
Better: open air

Sudden high fever, cough in paroxysms (many at a time), bursting
headache with each cough, bright red face
Worse: motion, deep breath, dust, touching larynx, yawning, bright light, noise, night
Better: less stimulus – resting in dark

Causticum: irritating, tickling cough, difficult to expectorate, but keeps coughing
deeper to try and get it up. Can have cough at any hour, but vanishing during the day is
a strong indication for Causticum. There may be urinary leakage with the cough.
Worse: Drafts or cold air, becoming heated at night, lying, bending head forward,
talking, bathing
Better: Cold drinks, rainy weather

Coccus Cacti: Paroxysmal (many at a time), tickling cough at 6 or 7 a.m. or 11:30 p.m.,
cough can be dry or produce ropes of thick mucous
Worse: becoming heated, warm rooms, warm drinks or food., lying, rinsing mouth, winter,
in alcoholics
Better: Cold or open air, cold drinks, cold food

Drosera: hard, deep, violent, paroxysmal cough, irritated airways, tickling and dry
throat, suffocative cough, can press the pit of stomach to start cough, but cough so
painful must hold chest, can have bloody expectoration
Worse: being enclosed
Better: sitting up, walking slowly

Hepar Sulph: dry or productive cough, mucous is thick and yellow if present, cough
dry at night, loose in morning, cough all night long, chilly, wants to be covered
Worse: chill
Better: warmth, expectoration

Ipecac: very dry cough, asthma, irritated or tickling cough in paroxysms, choking or
gagging with cough, frequent vomiting with cough
Worse: night, esp. 7 p.m., deep breathing in, esp. morning in bed, eating, warm room
Better: after expectoration, cold drinks

Kali-Carbonicum: cough at night, esp. 2-4 a.m., dry, tickling cough, bronchitis,
productive cough (sputum comes up), stitching pains in chest with cough, may be
Worse: 2-4 a.m., on first going to sleep, cold air or draft, lying, exertion, deep inspiration,
warm food.
Better: Sitting upright or bent forward

Lachesis: cough from allergy, severe infections or heart problems, sensation of crumb
or obstruction in larynx, any attempt to talk causes cough
Worse: all night, disturbing sleep, wakes with cough as soon as falls asleep or in morning
on waking, stuffy room, lying on left, drinking
Better: open air, after expectoration

Mercury: paroxysms of cough at night and from warmth of bed, dry at night, yellowgreen
expectoration during day, tickling behind upper part of sternum, sounds and feels
like chest very dry, hoarseness, diarrhea, salivation, with running nose or nasal
congestion, can’t get temperature right, too hot or too cold
Worse: night, talking, sweating, drafts, artificial light
Better: rest, morning, moderate temperature

Phosphorus: every cold ends in cough and chest infection, dry, tickling cough, painful
cough, burning in chest with cough, headache during cough, must squeeze chest with
pain of cough, exhaustion, trembling from cough, can vomit with cough
Worse: cold air, talking, nervous, entrance of stranger, strong odors, morning in bed and
at night when falling asleep or waking from sleep, lying on back
Better: cold drinks, eating refreshing things, soda, fruit, sleep, dark

cough from allergy or asthma, loose rattling with green, juicy
expectoration, dry cough evening, loose morning, can have tearing with cough or
urinary leakage
Worse: evening or night in bed, becoming cold, warm room, smoky room, warm drinks,
exertion, lying, measles, before menses or if menses suppressed by pill
Better: open or cool air, gentle walking, sitting, deep breath, lying propped on pillows

Rumex: intense tickling with cough, covers mouth in cold because it causes cough
Worse: 11 p.m. morning, cold air, entering or leaving warm room, undressing, uncovering,
bending head backwards, pressing on pit of throat
Better: turning on right side

Spongia: dry, hacking, barking cough from allergy, asthma or infection, suffocative
cough, can turn blue, burning in throat, chest, larynx with cough
Worse: around midnight, both day and night, cold, dry air, cold drinks
Better: warm food or drinks, eating or drinking, sucking on hard candy or cough drops,
sitting, bending head forward

sudden, violent, dry, paroxysmal cough with headache, copious sputum, but
only in morning, may pass stool, urine or have tears with cough, sore chest and abdomen
with cough, urge to blow nose after cough
Worse: taking deep breath, cold drinks
Better: expectoration, sitting up

Please keep in mind that I, Laura Macklem, survivingshtfmom, am NOT a medical professional…I am passing along information that I personally use that may or may not help you. If in doubt, please seek professional medical advice, especially in the event of a medical emergency. I am an advocate of self-care, not harm.

September 19, 2014 Posted by | Guidelines, Homeopathics | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Enterovirus 68 ED-V68 Alternative Prevention Essential Oils, Herbs and Homeopathy

virus2Enterovirus 68. It is here in the US and although considered ‘rare’, it would seem that it is currently reaching epidemic proportions if reports are true of hundreds of children across the country being admitted to hospitals for severe respiratory complications. According to the CDC, only Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky and Missouri having confirmed cases. However, it is of such concern, that yesterday, September the 11th, 2014 that the New Kent County Public Schools in Virginia where I live (which is a rural area outside of Richmond, Virginia) felt the need to call all school age parents and issue a statement regarding enterovirus 68. The message was to let parents know that ‘they’ were monitoring the situation, to teach children not to touch their eyes, nose or mouth, wash hands repeatedly, do not share cups or toys or clothing and to keep home any child who was sick. The school system also referred parents to the CDC website for more information on the enterovirus 68.

About EV-D68

Typically, EV-D68 causes upper respiratory illness, such as low-grade fever, cough, runny nose, sneezing and body/muscle aches. Infected individuals generally recover on their own without incident by treating symptoms. However, some individuals, especially those with weakened immune systems or underlying medical conditions, such as asthma, may experience severe complications and require hospitalization with supportive therapy. This is what the CDC says about EV-D68. Although one documented case in Indiana the child had no such underlying medical conditions and yet was hospitalized.

However, many parents with children infected with EV-D68 report severe upper respiratory distress within hours of coming down with what seems to be a cold/flu. Including high grade fevers uncontrollable with Tylenol/ibuprophen, extreme headaches, neck pain, rashes and vomiting, blisters in the mouth, limpness of limbs and ultimately the inability to breath (shortness of breath, wheezing).

How do you contract enterovirus 68?

According to the CDC: Since EV-D68 causes respiratory illness, the virus can be found in an infected person’s respiratory secretions, such as saliva, nasal mucus, or sputum. EV-D68 likely spreads from person to person when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or touches contaminated surfaces.

Prevention according to the CDC includes:
Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after changing diapers.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are sick.
Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys and doorknobs, especially if someone is sick.
According to the CDC there is no treatment, vaccine or ‘cure’ for enterovirus 68 (which is in the same category of viruses that cause polio and hand/foot/mouth disease) only ‘palliative’ care, ie, managing the symptoms and keeping people comfortable.
Okay, so we now have that out of the way…as a mom of several school age children and an alternative health care advocate/practioner and prepper, I have some thoughts on ‘prevention’ and ultimately managing this ‘rare’ virus that seems to be sweeping across this country so quickly.

The basic question is what can YOU do to keep you and yours safe without going overboard and setting up a clean room to enter and leave through. We are NOT talking about a biohazard level 4 after all. However, getting sick is not fun and the following is what I will doing to hopefully prevent my children and myself from getting this virus:

First and foremost, goldenseal tincture used once a day, daily for the duration of the cold and flu season. I personally make my own goldenseal tincture and use it regularly whenever someone gets a cough, cold or the flu given that this herbs nature is to work on viruses first and foremost in the mucus member body systems (eyes, mouth, sinuses, stomach, intestinal tract). There is no danger in using this herb preventively and maybe used in children 6 months and up. The tincture works best and the best part is that a small amount, when properly prepared will go a long way! Goldenseal is safe for pregnant and nursing women also.
Another herb worth noting is Devils Club (Oplopanax horridum or Fatsia horrida) though I would tend to reserve this herb for the first sign of cough or cold and not so much as a preventative.

Please be sure that when you buy any herb in tincture form you buy from a reputable source. The best would be to buy from an herbalist who makes their own tinctures (ie a private person). Next best a nationally known company. An herbalist who makes their own tinctures will have the strongest available tinctures. Unfortunately, due to FDA regulations and other national and state ‘authorities’ large companies engaged in herbal products often are required to dilute their tinctures down to the point that in many cases you have to use twice the amount of tincture recommended below to get the desired results.

How much to use and how?

The BEST way to use a tincture is to place the desired amount directly under the tongue and hold it in the mouth for as long as possible without swallowing!! Yes, it tastes nasty, but no one said medicine tasted great. If necessary, it is fine to dilute the tincture in a small amount of water or juice and sip very slowly, again, not swallowing immediately.

As a general rule of thumb for tinctures:

Adults: 60 drops
Younger than 3 months — 2 drops
3 to 6 months — 3 drops
6 to 9 months — 4 drops
9 to 12 months — 5 drops
12 to 18 months — 7 drops
18 to 24 months — 8 drops
2 to 3 years — 10 drops
3 to 4 years — 12 drops
4 to 6 years — 15 drops
6 to 9 years — 24 drops
9 to 12 years — 30 drops

In some cases if you do not want alcohol in your tincture or cannot tolerate it you may be able to make your own glycerin tincture at home or, to rid the tincture of alcohol, boil water, place the tincture in the bottom of the cup and pour boiling water over it. It is up to you, personally I just use as is as I have found it more potent this way.

There are herbs that are great for the respiratory system that you can buy bulk and put into a large pot of simmering water that will also help to disinfect the whole house without you going crazy cleaning.
They include:

Inula (not recommended if anyone in the house has asthma or other medical conditions involving the lungs)

At the very least your house will smell great!

Next up, homeopathic prevention. In past cold/flu season I have always had a homeopathic for the flu at hand to take one dose weekly when no known exposure has occurred or if know/likely once a day. Boiron Oscillococcinum is the traditional remedy for the flu. I am not sure how much this may or may not help, but it is cheap and only 5 pellets need to be taken. At best, it may help at worst you might not get the seasonal flu.
I also found a homeopathic called LUNG LIQUESCENCE,RESPIRATORY DETOX FORMULA that supports the lungs in getting rid of viruses and mucus that I am incorporating into our routine. It should be taken the same way.

I would be remiss not to discuss essential oils under prevention. My favorite is the following:

A blend of specific essential oils including clove, lemon, cinnamon, rosemary and Eucalyptus Radiata. Frankly, just a few drops in honey (or on a piece of bread) will work at keeping you healthy. You may also put this blend into an ultrasonic diffuser to spread the germ fighting virus killing essential oil particles around you home or workplace. Word of note: do NOT put this blend into water and use to disinfect anything besides metal as many of these essentials oils will break down plastics and paint and may harm stone surfaces also.

Now lets talk FOOD! Yes, food…food as medicine! Onion and garlic are two of nature’s BEST anti-virals available to everyone! I use a lot of these two ‘herbs’ in my own cooking. However, you can make teas or tinctures out them. There are a million and one ways that can be found online to do this. I also include onions and garlic in my homemade anti-sick honey syrup (do not give honey to children under the age of 1).

Take a clean quart sized jar and thinly slice up the following into about ½ inch sized pieces:
2 fresh lemons (including the rind)
2 medium sized onions
Fresh ginger root (I typically get a piece about the size of my hand)
4 tablespoons of minced garlic.
I put all of this into the jar and then cover with honey to the top. Be sure you stir the honey down to the bottom. Typically it takes just over 1 pound of honey.
Next, grab that crock pot! Place the jar (with lid on) into the middle of it and add enough water to almost fill the crock pot. Place the lid on it (most likely will not close, but the idea is to retain as much of the heat as possible) and then turn onto to low and allow it steep/warm up this way at least 16 hours or up to two days. Stir occasionally. The food ‘material’ will separate from the honey…that is okay, that is why you stir it and once done, it will be A LOT easier to get the pieces of food out before use. To use your anti-sick honey infusion, I use 1 tablespoon of honey stirred into one cup of hot water and drink slowly.

This is all I have for prevention at this time. In my next article I will be talking about what do IF you get that dreaded cough/flu called enterovirus 68.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at

Per law I am required to tell you that I am not a medical professional and all information above is based upon my private experience and documented research by medical professionals online. Always seek professional medical assistance if you are unsure.

September 12, 2014 Posted by | Essential Oils, Guidelines, Herbs, Homeopathics, Infectious Disease, Self-Help | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Allergic Reactions and Anaphylactic Shock Emergencies

Addressing Post-SHFT Allergic Reactions


One of my greatest concerns even before a TEOTWAWKI event is an allergic reaction to bee or wasp stings. Myself and other members of my family have all had moderate to severe reactions to stings and while it would be nice to think that an EpiPen will be available, I am realistic. They are expensive, have an expiration date and require a prescription. I am all for having one ‘just in case’, but after moving out of the suburban rat trap a few years ago, I found myself living about 20 minutes from the nearest ER and the nearest rescue squad is about 10 miles from my home. I had to get educated about how to stop or slow down allergic reactions and quick since time is of the essence in an allergic reaction (including anaphylaxis). And besides that, you and I both need to know what to do just in case medical help is a long time coming or not all.

The following are JUST IN CASE measures! If you are experiencing a severe allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock and medical help is available…GET IT WITHOUT DELAY!


First thing first…what is an allergic reaction?


An allergy is an overreaction of the body’s own natural defense system that helps fight infections, the immune system. Normally the immune system protects the body from viruses and bacteria by producing antibodies to fight them. In an allergic reaction, the immune system starts fighting substances that are usually harmless (such as, pollen, a medicine, food substance or even venom) as though these substances were trying to attack the body by releasing histamines. When histamine is released, the body reacts with an allergic reaction. This overreaction can cause a rash, itchy eyes, a runny nose, trouble breathing, nausea, and diarrhea.

This over reaction of the immune system may not occur the first time you are exposed to an allergy-producing substance. For example, the first time you are stung by a bee, you may have only pain and redness from the sting. If you are stung again, you may have hives or trouble breathing. This is caused by the response of the immune system to the venom.

Allergic reactions can range from mild and annoying to sudden and life-threatening. Most allergic reactions are mild, and home treatment can relieve many of the symptoms. An allergic reaction is more serious when severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis occurs, when the allergic reaction causes other problems or when home treatment doesn’t help.


Start at the beginning. Since an allergy is an immune system response, it would make sense to be sure that your immune system is strong and working properly. Eating correctly, getting enough sleep, stress reduction and mental attitude all play a roll in a healthy immune system. Granted, in a SHTF scenario all of these may go out the door, but until then, do what you can and when it does hit the fan, do what you can to maintain as best as you can.

Herbs that can help strengthen the immune system are varied and many grow right in your backyard or can easily be grown.

Echinacea Purpurea is the most well known of the immune system strengthening herbs. I recommend drinking as a tea (1 cup daily) or using the tincture form for one week out of four weeks for general use. Do not use continuously as it can over stimulate the immune system and be rendered useless.

Garlic and local Honey. Yes, garlic and local honey…they are both considered ‘tonics’ to the immune system and maybe used daily. For garlic, fresh is the best. Crush and eat one clove daily. For honey, 1 Tablespoon daily.

Astragalus is a time honored TCM tonic for the immune system which can be grown in many regions of theUnited States. Use either as a decoction (boiled, strong tea) or in tincture form daily for one month on, one month off.

Peppermint. Yes, peppermint. This can be made into a tea for daily use and is readily grown through out the world.


Next, the immune system is linked with the nervous system. A calm and healthy nervous system will go a long way towards reducing the severity of an allergic response. A few herbs that are excellent for the nervous system are Avena sativa (Oats), Scutellaria lateriflora (Scullcap) and Turnera diffusa (Damiana). All of these may be eaten, taken as a tea or tincture and used daily or as needed.


Also, keeping your liver healthy so that it can function correctly is important and goes a long way to strengthening your immune system too.

Herbs that help in maintaining a healthy liver are widely varied and include:

Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root and Leaf, Artichoke Leaves and Astragalus. Dandelion root and artichoke are easily cultivated here in theUnited Statesand both maybe eaten without cooking. Dandelion makes a wonderful tea too and can be used daily.

The above herbs can be used alone or together for prevention or mitigation of an allergic reaction.


Okay, now you are doing prevention and being as careful as possible to avoid the allergen, but somehow, you have an allergic reaction. I will assume for the rest of this writing that you know what ‘caused’ the allergic reaction.


First thing to remember is that TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE in an allergic reaction and to remain as calm as possible. Be prepared to react quickly upon first symptom of an allergic reaction, especially if you are prone to anaphylactic shock. If you have an EpiPen use it FIRST!


Bees and Wasps and Other Bites


The first line of defense that has worked very well for me and my family has been homeopathic remedies followed by essential oils and herbs.


The following are appropriate remedies for stings and bites:


Aconitum napellus: This remedy can be helpful if a person feels fearful or panicked after being stung or bit. Cutting, stabbing, or burning pain may be felt, along with swelling, tingling, or numbness. Aconitum should be used immediately, while symptoms are intense, and can be followed by another remedy, as indicated.


Apis mellifica: If a bite or bee sting causes puffy, tender swelling that is pink or red and hot to the touch, this remedy may be helpful. The area stings and burns, and cold applications bring relief. (If a person is allergic to insect venom, especially bee-stings, Apis may help to reduce the swelling of the passages, given as first aid while on the way to emergency medical care.)


Cantharis: This remedy may be indicated if a bite or sting results in intensely burning, scalding pain. The area of inflammation is red, and blisters may develop.


Carbolicum acidum: This remedy is usually indicated in first-aid situations, while medical help is being sought. The person feels sick and weak, and may have trouble breathing, with a dark or reddish face that looks pale around the mouth.


Hypericum: This remedy is known for its soothing effect on injuries to nerve-rich body areas. It is also useful after puncture wounds, including bites and stings. Shooting pains or pains with numbness and tingling often are experienced when Hypericum is needed.


Ledum palustre: Swelling that extends some distance from the bite, often with a bluish tinge, a feeling of cold and numbness, and aching pain, suggests the use of this remedy. If the swollen part seems cold, but the application of ice or cold water brings relief, Ledum is strongly indicated.


Urtica urens: Reddish blotches that burn and itch intensely (like a nettle sting) after insect bites may be relieved with this remedy. It is also a useful remedy for hives that sting and itch.



For those who are known to have anaphylactic response to stings and bites the three main remedies that are a MUST have in a SHTF situation are: Aconitum napellus, Apis mellifica and Carbolicum acidum.


Use the Aconitum FIRST followed immediately by the Carbolicum (if indicated) and Apis. Take 4 pellets of the Aconitum immediately. Then take 4 pellets of the other remedies (both if need be but definitely the Apis!). You use a homeopathic remedy (and a tincture for that matter) by putting the pellets under the tongue and allowing to melt. Do NOT chew or swallow. Allow the remedy to work. If you seek it working significantly, then do not dose again. If you begin to see ‘improvement’ slow or no improvement, take another dose. Do not hesitate to take another dose if you are unsure!


Take these remedies as needed until the symptoms subside and the threat has passed, then begin to take the other remedies mentioned above to address the other possible reactions. I will typically take a homeopathic dose and then when symptoms begin to resume take another dose. You will have to pay attention to the signs and symptoms in order to know when to dose…again, if in doubt, dose. But if the symptoms have clearly gone away, do not dose. Often times you will see a ‘reduction’ in symptoms and then a ‘rebound’. PAY ATTENTION. The MINUTE you see a return of symptoms take another dose.



Regarding homeopathic remedies…I personally keep on hand the 200c, 6c and 30c remedy for emergency situations of these remedies and it is suggested that you use either the 6c or 30c but use whatever strength you have on hand.



Food Allergies- There is no straight forward homeopathic remedy that I know of for a food allergy reaction. However, it is my understanding that the same remedies used in a first aid situation for bee stings would also help in this situation given the symptoms may be the same. It goes without saying to AVOID the offending food. Bromelain, which is found in Pineapple has been found to be beneficial in reducing allergic reactions to food.


Of note is one ‘herbal’ remedy for an allergic reaction to food. Peach Tincture. Kiva Rose, a well-known and respected master herbalist uses the tincture of Peach to halt allergic reactions to food. I have yet to find it already made for purchase but it is simple to make yourself ‘just in case’ and you don’t have to kill the tree to make it.


Directions for making Peach Tincture:

After spring pruning take the twigs or branches of the peach tree that you would normally compost or burn and grab a glass jar. Cut the branches or twigs into small 1 inch pieces and place in the glass jar (at least half full). Pour 100 proof alcohol over this filling to the top of the jar. Place the lid on top and tighten. Place the jar with the mixture in a cool, dark place for at least 6 weeks. Be sure to shake this mixture in the jar 2-3 times a week and then remove the plant material after 6 weeks. To use at the beginning of a food allergy reaction (mild to moderate) take 1 tsp. of the tincture and hold, swishing in the mouth for at least 1 minute before swallowing. Use as needed until symptoms are gone.


The aftermath. Nothing is worse that getting over an allergic reaction. The pain, swelling, itching can be horrible. This is due to the histamine reaction and there are ways to address this and speed up the process as your body clears its system of the allergen.


An antihistamine is used to fight off the body’s natural chemical histamine and should be used as soon as any threats to life have been addressed and if possible, used at the sametime. Antihistamine herbs fight off histamine and stop the allergic reaction from continuing.







Stinging Nettle


Reishi (a type of mushroom)

Wild Oregano


If you have a known allergy it may be well worth it to incorporate these herbs into your diet. Basil, ginger, and oregano can easily be incorporated into your diet and grown. Echinacea, chamomile, stinging nettle and plantain can also be grown or wild crafted. Echinacea, chamomile and stinging nettle can be taken as a tea or tincture as needed to fight off a histamine response. Plantain is often used directly on the site of the sting or bite to counteract the allergen.

In any case, 1 cup of tea as needed to control the histamine response. 60-100 drops of the tincture as needed OR if you have the herb in pill form (best for overnight use) take up to 6 capsules at one time.

Plantain can be found growing wild in waste areas. To use simply pick, chew and then place the chewed material directly on the site of the bite/sting to help reduce histamines.


You may also use Tea Tree or Lavender essential oil to help with the allergic reaction. Especially for stinging, swelling and pain. I have found that liberal use of Tea Tree essential oil (not diluted) on the affected area is most helpful for ‘hot’ skin and lavender essential oil is best for ‘cold’ skin…allow to dry and repeat as needed.


Natural ephedrine….just in case. While certainly nothing will replace the EpiPen there is one plant/shrub that contains natural ephedrine that can be grown here in theUSand is often found in the wild in the western areas of theUnited States. Mormon Tea. It might be worth a shot to have on hand ‘just in case’ to deliver a shot of ephedrine into your system. I know first hand its usefulness in bronchitis and in helping to control asthma symptoms. You would need to either have the tincture available for immediate use (use 1tsp, hold in mouth, swish around for 1 minute and then swallow) or the plant material to make a strong tea. If you use the tincture you cannot use a homeopathic for at least 20 minutes as the alcohol will destroy the homeopathic.



THESE ALL WORK! Both my husband and I have extremely bad reactions to bee and wasp stings and using these have allowed us to reduce the allergic response enough to treat at home. The key is having these on hand for IMMEDIATE USE! Homeopathic remedies do not go bad when stored correctly and having these on hand might just save your life or someone else’s while you either wait on the ambulance, get to the doctors office or even tough it out yourself. While anaphylactic shock is extremely serious I would personally rather try something than do nothing and if you don’t have this type of reaction you might just save yourself some pain and misery by using this information. Use your brain here, severe allergic reactions are no joke and if you can, I always recommend to get professional help if at all possible in life threatening situations.

God bless and good luck!


Rev. Laura

January 9, 2012 Posted by | Guidelines, Herbs, Homeopathics, Medical Conditions | , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Cold? Flu? Allergies? Pt.4 Help for the Flu Using Homeopathics

Homeopathics for the flu are very specific in their nature and require that you pay attention to signs and symptoms in order to select the BEST remedy for you or yours. In fact, you may select several remedies, and that is okay, select remedies based upon symptoms. Read the descriptions carefully and select the one(s) that most closely match the signs and symptoms. And again, follow these directions after selecting the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms:


Depending upon what symptoms you are displaying you may want either one of the single remedies or a combination remedy. Typically a homeopathic remedy is a pellet, liquid or soft tablet. Directions on ‘how much’ to take come on the package. What I will suggest however is disregarding the ‘how often’.


Acute/Active Symptoms: 3-5 pellets (2-3 tabs or 3-5 drops) every 15mins for the first hour or until symptoms begin to clear up. If after 4 doses in the first hour you aren’t noticing any benefit, reassess your symptoms and try something else.


Onset/Not Too Bad/Just Beginning: 2-3 pellets (1-2 tabs or 2-3 drops) every 20-30 minutes until you notice the symptoms are gone.


In both cases once you get your symptoms under control (in otherwords, symptom relief)

back off dosing to every ½ hour. If you symptoms begin to return within that half hour time frame continue to take the remedy every half hour. As time progresses you will notice a greater period of time between displaying of symptoms…you will have to pay attention to this. If at the half hour mark you still have no symptoms wait until the one hour mark before taking another dose and then pay attention as to when the symptoms begin to return so that you are gradually decreasing your dosing schedule to 2-3 times per day, increasing length of time between doses by a ½ hour each time. Once you have reached this 2-3 times per day for 1-2 days you can then stop taking the remedy and you are ‘cured’. With children I always recommend to stop after being symptom free for 1 day.

Infants dosing should be ½ of that of an adults dose, however, as I have learned, sometimes with a young child the adult dose is appropriate to initially relieve symptoms so do not be afraid to use more in a infant or young child.

AGAIN…the trick is watch for symptom reduction! If you aren’t seeing a reduction in symptoms with the first hour of use (2-4 doses) then move onto another homeopathic!! I have increased the amount taken in children in very stubborn or acute symptoms just to ‘tamp’ it down quickly and then reduce the amount taken once I have reduced symptoms.


I would first like to suggest the following for prevention of the flu OR to take as soon as you believe you might be coming down with the flu:


Oscillococcinum Flu Remedy


This can often be found in many drug stores and is well worth keeping on hand ‘just in case’ and should be used as a ‘first defense’.


With that said, you don’t have to take the whole vial at one time as they instruct. I truly believe that this is a marketing ploy to make money. Instead, I suggest the following which has worked for me over many years.


1)      To prevent the common flu…take 3-5 pellets at one time, every other day for one week. The following week, take 3-5 pellets 2 times that week and finally, the following week and every week there after, take 3-5 pellets once a week. Do this for the duration of the ‘flu’ season. Actually, I would take starting in September and then end in March.

2)      If you feel like you are getting the flu…follow the standard dosing instructions above. Now, with that said, if you don’t start feeling better within 2-3 hours (in otherwords the symptoms don’t go away) you are most likely NOT getting the flu, but a cold. Try a different remedy that can be found on the Cold Part 3 blog page.


Common Flu Remedies

The number one flu homeopathic remedy is GELSEMIUM . The flu has a slow onset and is associated with chills, tiredness and paralytic weakness. The chills begin in the hands and feet, and run up and down the spine.
These patients feel as if run over by a truck. Aching pain is felt in the muscles and they experience trembing of the limbs with lack of mucular co-ordination. Want to lie down and be left alone.
The patient is generally worse in the early morning and last thing at night. They feel better after urination and in fresh air. Please see below for more information on Gelsemium.


Aconite: Sudden onset of the flu with great anxiety and fear. She thinks she is about to die.

Better: in fresh air
Worse: in a warm room, in the evening or at night, lying on the left side, hearing music, when exposed to tobacco smoke.
Other uses: any situation where the person is scared, such if they just witnessed something horrible, were just involved in an accident, etc

Arnica: Flu with a feeling of soreness, as if bruised internally and externally.

Symptoms come on very suddenly, especially after exposure to a dry, cold wind or from an emotional shock or fright.

High fever, dry cough, sore throat and feeling of great worry and fear.

The individual is very restless.

Fear of death with anxiety, tossing and trembling.

Croupy cough, early stages of croup.

Pneumonia with sudden onset.

Coughing up of blood.

Other uses: This is the main initial remedy for acute trauma, injuries and accidents. Bumps, bruises, sprains, strains, cuts, etc. It is commonly given to patients before and after surgery to improve outcome, decrease bleeding and bruising and promote healing. You will find Arnica in all homeopathic emergency kits.


Aconitum napellus: This remedy is useful for a flu that comes on suddenly and intensely accompanied by fever, anxiety, constricted pupils, and strong thirst. The person may feel fearful or agitated, and the fever can alternate with chills. Symptoms are often worst around midnight. Exposure to cold wind or a shock of some kind often precedes the illness.


Apis mellifica: If a person has dry fever that alternates with sweating, facial flushing, and a very sore throat with swollen tonsils , then this homeopathic remedy may be prescribed. Pain may extend to the ears, and the eyelids may be swollen. Exposure to cool air and cold applications may bring relief. Despite the fever, thirst usually is low. The person can be very irritable, disliking interference.


Arsenicum Album: Influenza in children with sudden onset and much prostration.

Extremely restless, oversensitive, anxious and weak.

Fear of death.

Extreme prostration, out of proportion to the disease.

Very restless, can’t stay in one place.

Does not want to be left alone.


Pale face with an anxious expression.

Burning pains that are better with warm applications.

Thirsty, drinks in small sips often.

Worse between 1 and 2 a.m.

Vomiting and diarrhea are common.

Diarrhea with acrid, offensive, watery stools.

Too neat, upset by clutter.

Desires fatty and sour things, especially lemon.

Other uses: Food poisonings, stomach flues.


Baptisia: Looks drowsy and drunk. Flu with high fever and a feeling of being bruised all over.

Flu that comes on suddenly.

Sensation of being bruised and sore all over, the body and limbs feel as if they are scattered.

Profuse sweating with a high fever and an intense thirst.

Dull red face, looks dazed and sluggish as if they may fall asleep at any time.

The bed feels hard (Compare with Pyrogenium and Arnica)

Stupefying headache, with confusion.

Delirium with strange sensations, like as if there is somebody else in bed with him, parts of her body are separated, etc.

Patient smells bad.


Belladonna: Flu with a high fever, red face and dilated pupils. Dryness and burning heat. Everything is intense and concentrated in the head.

High fever that comes on suddenly, often as a result of a change in temperature (e.g. becoming chilled or overheated, washing the hair).

Flushed face, sore throat, eyes wide and staring, pupils dilated, bright red tongue, red throat with white spots on the tonsils.

Constriction on attempting to swallow

Ejection of food and drink through the nose and mouth from spasm.

There may be confusion, delirium or vivid hallucinations.

Twitching and starting.


Symptoms tend to affect the right side of the body.

Craving for lemon or lemonade.

General aggravation at 3 p.m.

Better: standing, sitting upright, in a warm room.
Worse: any noise, bright light, movement, lying down, night.
Other uses: strep throat, meningitis, abdominal cramps, menstrual cramps, etc, when the overall picture fits.


Bryonia: Extremely irritable, talks about business. Bryonia is good if symptoms include a headache, cough, constipation, thirst, and irritability
Flu with a severe, throbbing headache, body pains. All symptoms are worse from any motion.

Slow onset.

Thirst for large amounts infrequently, preferably cold.

Pains (headache, body pains) better by pressure. Lies on the painful part.

Dryness everywhere, dry tongue, with generally a white coating

Nose bleed

Pneumonia, especially of the right side; pleurisy (pain on breathing and coughing).

Business: worries, talks and dreams about it.

Wants to go home. May be confused and not realize she is at home.

Better: pressure, rest
Worse: any excitement, noise, touch, movement, bright light, from eating and coughing and at around 3am and 9pm.Other uses: Pain in joints, sprains, strains, when symptoms are worse from movement.

Specific Symptoms for Bryonia:

Grumpy and feels miserable with the flu

Wanting only to lie still and be left alone

Headache, muscle aches, and cough or stomach pain

Everything feels worse from even the slightest motion.

Dry mouth, with a thirst for long cold drinks


Eupatorium – perfoliatum: Flu with body pains so severe, that the bones feel broken.

Feels as if run over by a truck, with pain deep in the bones.

Bursting headache and sore eyes.

Thirsty for ice cold water (opposite to Gelsemium, which is not thirsty).

Chills running up and down the back.

High fever preceded by chills, especially from 7 – 9am.

Worse: movement

Ferrum Phos: Flu without any localizing or characteristic symptoms.

High fever, usually 102 degrees or higher.

Right sided complaints – Pneumonia.

Flushes or redness or pallor.

Hemorrhage [Nose or Chest]

Specific symptoms for Eupatorium:
Deep ache in the bones and muscles
Eyeballs hurt
Desires cold food and drinks, which are vomited as soon as they warm in the stomach
Painful cough
Yellow tongue
Tremendous aching, as if bones are broken
Fever preceded by chills, especially from 7:00 to 9:00 A.M.


Ferrum phosphoricum: This remedy may be helpful during flu associated with the following symptoms:




Rosy cheeks

A feeling of weariness

Sensitive eyes

A short hard cough

Strong thirst

Vomiting after eating


This remedy is also prescribed in early stages of flu or fever, even if symptoms are not especially clear.


Gelsemium: Flu with chills and paralytic weakness. They feel as if run over by a truck.

This tends to be the number 1 flu remedy. Take Gelsemium if you have heavy, droopy eyes; feel weak and tired, with aches and chills up and down your back; and want to be alone.

Slow onset

After worrying about a forthcoming task or event such as a public speaking engagement.

Sore throat.

Bursting headache beginning in the neck and which may extend over the head to the eyes and forehead; relieved by copious urination.

Double vision often before or during the headache. Eyelids are heavy and droopy, can’t keep them open.

Fatigue, heaviness and dullness. The legs feel weak and shaky and they just want to lie in bed.

Pain is felt in the muscles.

No thirst.

Aching muscles.

Chills begin in the hands and feet, and run up and down the spine.

Worse: early morning and last thing at night, in the sun, and when exposed to tobacco smoke.
Better: urination, fresh air

Bryonia also has pains, but they are much worse from any movement. Gelsemium patient does not want to move due to fatigue and heaviness, not aggravation from movement.

Eupatorium perfoliatum patient also feels as if run over by a truck, but the pains are more severe, and they are felt in the bones. In addition, Eup-per patient is thirsty, and Gels patient is not.

Other uses: Anxiety anticipating an important engagement.

Specific symptoms for Gelsemium:

hot head and face, but with chills that go up and down the back; burning headache without any real sense of thirst, etc. are symptoms for which this remedy is often prescribed. Other symptoms:

Fatigue and achiness that come on gradually, increasing over several days

The face feels heavy, with droopy eyes and aching.

A headache may begin at the back of the neck and skull

Chills and heat running up and down the spine.



Moderate fever





Kali sulphuricum: Yellow, slimy

Fever with easy sweating

Yellow slimy tongue, nasal discharge, ear discharge, diarrhea.

Cough with easily expelled yellow slimy sputum.

Thirsty. Averse to hot drinks.

Wants to lie down, but it makes her worse, so she must walk for relief.

Mercurius solubilis: Dirty, smelly, drooling.

Increased salivation, offensive breath, profuse offensive sweat.

Filthy tongue, large, flabby, tooth – notched


Craves bread and butter.

Worse: night, heat of bed


Nux Vomica: Flu with great irritability and over sensitivity. Easily offended, angry, cold.

Irritable, impatient, angry and easily offended.

Very chilly. Chilliness on the slightest movement. On the slightest exposure to the open air, shivering and chilliness for an hour; dreads to go out into the open air. By the slightest draught he gets chilled. He cannot get warm. Great coldness not removed by heat, or by bed coverings. Wants to be completely covered.

Very sensitive to light, noise and odors.

Shivering and chilliness immediately after drinking.

Fastidious. Wants everything just so.

Collapse and fatigue states from overwork.

Other uses: Ailments from overdoing: overeating, overwork, etc. Hangover.

Specific symptoms for Nux Vomica:

Nux Vomica is often prescribed for flu associated with thoroughly chilled feelings, cannot get warm at all, limbs and back are aching, stomach upset. Other indications are:

high fever

violent chills

strong nausea

cramping in the digestive tract (or a painful cough and constricted breathing if the flu is respiratory)


oversensitivity to sound, bright light, and odors

often very irritable

feels worse from exertion

Feels worse from being cold in any way


Phosphorus: The flu quickly affects the lungs, especially the base of the right lung. Lots of cough. Bleeding.

Bloody sputum, bright red.

Craves cold drinks, which may be vomited when they become warm in the stomach.

Burning, ressure and constriction in the chest; worse lying on the left side; worse lying on the painful side (patient and the cough).

Nose bleed, bright red.

Cough, worse talking and laughing.

Specific symptoms for Phosphorus:

This remedy is indicated for flu when it is accompanied by:

fever with an easily-flushing face

feels very weak and dizzy



sore throat


stomach pain and nausea or vomiting

strong anxiety

wanting others to be around to offer company and reassurance

strong thirst, with a tendency to vomit when liquids warm up in the stomach


Pulsatilla: Clingy and weepy when sick.

Flitting chilliness; chills in spots. Chilly in a warm room.

One sided chilliness – heat – sweat. One cheek red, the other white.

Palpitations with anxiety: must throw off the clothes.

Dry cough at night, better sitting up, worse on lying down again.

Thick yellow-green discharge from nose. Yellow-green expectoration.

Craves butter, cream, pastries.


Tearful, craves company and sympathy.

Worse: external warmth, closed room
Better: open air, outside, slow motionOther uses: This is one of the most commonly used remedies in children. Whatever the problem (ear infection, teething, cold, etc), when the child is weepy, wants the caregiver next to him all the time and gets better only when held. This is opposite to Chamomilla children, who are often angry and reject kindness.


Pyrogenium: Septic states.

Extremely restless. Has to keep on moving, rocking, wringing, for momentary relief.

The bed feels too hard, aching everywhere, feels beaten and bruised.

Everything is offensive: sweat, breath, discharges, stool, etc.

The pulse is abnormally rapid for the temperature. High temperature with slow pulse, or the reverse.

Creeping chills in the back, with a thumping heart.

Bursting headache.

Rapid bed sores.

Feels as if someone else is in his bed.

Consciousness of the heart beating.

Rhus toxicodendron: Stiff and restless, better with movement.

Restlessness. Wants to move all the time.

Aching and stiffness in the joints, worse on first starting to move and better with continued movement.

Red triangle on the tip of the tongue.

Intense fever: thirsty: great prostration: weeps without knowing why.

Severe aching in the bones.

Fear of poisoning. She may refuse taking medicine feeling it is poison.

Anxiety and fear which are worse at night.

Other uses: Sprains, strains, when the pain is better with movement (opposite of Bryonia).


Rhus toxicodendron: A person who needs this remedy during flu feels extremely restless and complain of achy, stiff muscles. Other indications:

fever is often accompanied by bone and muscle aches

teasing cough

sore throat

red tongue

nausea and bloating

soreness and stiffness may be felt all over,

feels better from hot showers or from getting up and pacing.

feels worse when waking up, after lying in bed, or from keeping still too long.

symptoms are often relieved by rubbing and stretching, but especially warmth and movement.


Hot, burning sensations. This is a well known remedy for skin irritation.

Partially recovers and then relapses.

Very sensitive to the open air and drafts (opposite to Pulsatilla); worse from washing and taking a bath.

The crown of the head is very hot but the feet are cold.

The soles of the feet burn at night; they must be put out of the bed.

Hungry and starving at 11am, but not before then.

Often left-sided

Specific symptoms for Sulphur:

This remedy is often prescribed if a flu is very long-lasting or has some lingering symptoms such as the case when people have neglected to take good care of themselves. The person may feel hot and sweaty, with low fever and reddish mucous membranes. Symptoms, either digestive or respiratory, will often have a hot or burning quality. Heat aggravates the symptoms, and the person often feels worse after bathing.


Other remedies that may be used but are often used in ‘worst case’ flu situations and, if at all possible, professional medical attention should be sought out.


Camphora: Flu with laborious, asthmatic breathing, accumultion of phlegm in the air tubes, cold, dry skin.

Profound prostration/collapse.

Coldness and shivering.

Cold to touch, yet cannot bear to be covered.

Very sensitive to cold air

Face is pale and blue, lips are livid.

Pulse is weak and scarcely perceptible.

Pneumonia or bronchitis with collapse. Irritability

Worse: Cold


Carbo –vegetalis: “Corpse reviver”

Desperate cases.

Cold; even the breath and tongue are cold; very pale, air – hunger, asks for the windows to be opened, to be fanned.

Shortness of breath. Must sit up in bed.

Bloating, indigestion, and tremendous amount of gas.

This is a frequent ICU remedy, when life seems to be draining away.


China (Cinchona officinalis): Ailment from loss of fluids: blood loss, vomiting, diarrhea.

Desperate cases.

Debility with chilliness.

Anemic; pallid; weak. Sensitive to touch: motion: to cold air.

Worse at regular period: alternate days, every third day, every seven days, etc.

Weariness of the limbs, with desire to stretch, move or change position.

Painless diarrhea with a lot of gas.

Other uses: A very common remedy for diarrhea


Other possible remedies that may help:


Antimonium tartaricum: pneumonia with rattling of mucus in the chest.

Profuse mucus in bronchi with drowsiness. Loose, coarse rattling but scanty expectoration. Suffocative shortness of breath; alternating with cough. Chest seems full, yet less and less is raised, followed by vomiting or sleep.

Nausea; in waves; with weakness and cold sweat.

Forcible vomiting, followed by exhaustion and sleep

Tongue coated thick white with reddened papillae and edges.

Vomiting better lying on right side.

Desire for acids, apples.

Anxiety, aversion to being looked at; wants to be left alone.

Sleepy, weak, sweaty.

Worse: heat; warm room.


Asclepias tuberosa

Influenza with marked weakness on walking.

Shooting pleuritic pains (pains with inspiration) during and lingering after influenza.

Bleeding from gums, coughing up blood, bleeding from nose.

Worse: Lying, especially on left side. Motion of arms. Deep inspiration.
Better: Bending forward.

Euphorbium resinifera: Flu with burning pains in the bones.

Intense burning pains as if a live coal were on, or in the part.

Pharyngitis with a sensation as if expired air was a burning flame.

Worse: Touch; rest; sitting; beginning of motion.
Better: Continued motion; cold applications (compare with Arsenicum, which has burning pains better from hot applications).

Euphrasia: Flu with eye symptoms.

Acrid tears and bland nasal discharge.

Burning, smarting eyes and aversion to light and constant winking.

Cough with large quantities of mucus.


Ipecacuanha: She coughs till she vomits.

Dry, spasmodic cough ending in choking, gagging and vomiting. Person stiffens and becomes pale or blue; gasps for breath.

Constant nausea not relieved by vomiting.

Clean tongue.

Profuse salivation with the nausea.

No thirst.

Worse: Heat.
Other uses: Any ailments or pains attended with constant nausea and clean tongue. Whooping cough.


Sanguinaria: Flu with burning in various parts and headache.

Right-sided remedy.

Burning in various parts: eyeballs, cheeks, tongue, throat, chest, stomach, palms and soles.

Headaches, especially right sided, spreading from shoulder over the head to the eye.

Spasmodic cough with expectoration of rust-colored sputum.

Runny or stopped-up nose, followed by diarrhea.

Dryness of mucous membranes.

Desire for spicy and pungent food.



The following information was taken from an article in Homeopathy World Community and was written by Bente Ødegård. It may be found at:


Influenza pandemics have for centuries posed the greatest threat of a worldwide calamity caused by infectious disease. Over the past 300 years, ten influenza pandemics have occurred among humans. According to recent analysis, the 1918-19 pandemic killed 50 to 100 million people globally. Today, even a “mild” pandemic could kill many millions of people.

Influenza manifests in the respiratory system and produces generalized aches and pain, especially in the limbs and back. It produces malaise; prostration; fever; coryza, headache; with photophobia and retrobulbar aching; and inflamed respiratory mucous membranes. The incubation period is around 48 hours.

The symptoms begin with sore throat with substernal burning; nonproductive cough; and coryza. Cough usually becomes severe and productive and causes pain in the chest. The soft palate, posterior hard palate, tonsils and throat become reddened and painful. The eyes water easily and the conjunctiva may be mildly inflamed. Sweating and weakness may continue for weeks. Complications include bronchitis; pneumonia; breathlessness; spitting of blood; pulmonary edema; encephalitis; and death.Old people; babies; those confined to bed; or with chronic pulmonary or heart disease are the most at risk.

During the 1918 influenza pandemic it was young people, 25 -34 years of age, which were most severely affected. They appeared to have no immunity and succumbed to a pneumonia that would kill within days. It was not uncommon for someone physically strong and in good health to get up feeling well in the morning and by bedtime they would be dead. During this flu pandemic large numbers of people sought homeopathic care and were restored to good health; in numerous cases their lives were saved

An article published in the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy in May 1921 states that Dean W.A.Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 cases of influenza treated by homeopathic physicians with only a mortality rate of 1.05%, while the average conventional medical approach had a mortality rate of 30%.

During this time there were many Medical Doctors practicing homeopathic medicine throughout Europe and in America, much to the chagrin of non-homeopathic doctors and pharmacists. While conventional hospitals in the US had an 80-90% loss of life during the scarlet fever, Cholera and Flu epidemics around 1919, Homeopathic Hospitals had only a 2-5% loss.

There is however a possibility that some of these high numbers of positive effects of homeopathic treatment can be subscribed to the ill effects of the conventional treatment. Many homeopaths reported a decrease in chance of survival in those that had, previously to homeopathic treatment, been taking Aspirin. A.F. Stevens, M.D. in St.Louis said about the patients undergoing conventional treatment: “They died like flies around a plate of poison although ‘science’ did all that could be done to ‘save’ them”.

There has been at least three large scale double-blind placebo- controlled trials to treat people with flu or influenza – like syndrome. Each of these large scale studies were conducted by independent researchers, and a treatment is considered proven when at least three independent studies verify positive results.

Several studies have suggested that the homeopathic remedy oscillococcinum, which is prepared from a duck liver, is a very effective treatment for influenza. One study found that the remedy significantly increased the rate of cure within two days of diagnosis. This was a high- quality trial, published in an important, non- homeopathic journal and involving large numbers of patients (237 treated and 241 on placebo).

It is generally impossible in homeopathy to pinpoint a few remedies that would help in general against the flu. But, what is fascinating is that during an influenza epidemic, a remedy or two will work marvellously. This remedy is sometimes referred to as genus epidemicus. The homeopathic Materia Medica has well over 3,500 remedies. There is no one remedy that is specific to the flu because individuals will manifest symptoms in different ways that are unique to them. The most important point to remember about homeopathy is that it treats the individual.


If you are interested in more information or purchasing a homeopathic flu kit for yourself please visit:

December 8, 2011 Posted by | Homeopathics, Medical Conditions, Self-Help | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cold? Flu? Allergies? Pt.3 Help for the Cold Using Homeopathics

So, we have looked at how to tell the difference between colds, flues and allergies and ways to prevent ‘catching’ something…but we are human with human bodies and now we turn our attention to ‘what to do if’ you are not so fortunate in fending off a virus or bacteria and get a cold or flu. This part will concentrate upon homeopathic remedies for a cold/cough and these remedies would make a great addition to any preparedness minded individuals first aid kit or for anyone trying to help themselves.


What is a homeopathic? Homeopathy is a holistic health practice that is a part of alternative medicine. Homeopathic remedies are made from plants and other substances found in nature. They are highly diluted from original tinctures, or extracts with a long history of safe use. The Homeopathic Materia Medica lists thousands of remedies that can be used for a variety of conditions.


My own personal favorite websites to buy these remedies from are:


They WORK. They are safe, natural and easily obtained right now. They are generally very specific in what they ‘treat’ but work on the principle of ‘like cures like’. Homeopathy goes back to the time Aristotle and has proven very effective in short-term or acute illnesses. The trick is to be able to identify your symptoms correctly and to remember to take them repeatedly…its not just pop the pill and go on about your business. You also need to pay attention to see if ‘it’ (the remedy) is working for you. If after 2 doses it is not helping the symptoms then you need to select a different remedy. You do not need a lot of the said remedy to in order to see results, just the correct one. Homeopathy is safe for EVERYONE including infants, the elderly and those on medications. They do not interfere with OTC’s but can be interrupted by foods and drinks that we commonly take such as coffee, alcohol, vinegar, toothpaste and certain essential oils and tobacco products. (Though through personal use I have found that if the remedy is going to work, it will work regardless).

Something nice about homeopathic remedies…they don’t go ‘bad’ when properly stored. Cool and dark place with low moisture. A few years ago the FDA forced homeopathic companies to put ‘expiration’ dates on their products, but this I believe was misguided as

Rule of thumb when using a homeopathic…have a ‘clean mouth’. In otherwords, no food or drink for 20 minutes before or after dosing with a homeopathic. Another rule of thumb that cannot be repeated too often, if you are not getting symptom relief, stop taking it! If after 2-3 doses over a 1 hour time period you are not seeing results you can induce the symptoms of the remedy that you are trying to cure…it is called proving and can make symptoms you didn’t have appear. IF YOU DON’T SEE A REDUCTION IN SYMPTOMS THEN STOP TAKING THE REMEDY.


Depending upon what symptoms you are displaying you may want either one of the single remedies or a combination remedy. Typically a homeopathic remedy is a pellet, liquid or soft tablet. Directions on ‘how much’ to take come on the package. What I will suggest however is disregarding the ‘how often’.


Acute/Active Symptoms: 3-5 pellets (2-3 tabs or 3-5 drops) every 15mins for the first hour or until symptoms begin to clear up. If after 4 doses in the first hour you aren’t noticing any benefit, reassess your symptoms and try something else.

Onset/Not Too Bad/Just Beginning: 2-3 pellets (1-2 tabs or 2-3 drops) every 20-30 minutes until you notice the symptoms are gone.

In both cases once you get your symptoms under control (in otherwords, symptom relief)

back off dosing to every ½ hour. If you symptoms begin to return within that half hour time frame continue to take the remedy every half hour. As time progresses you will notice a greater period of time between displaying of symptoms…you will have to pay attention to this. If at the half hour mark you still have no symptoms wait until the one hour mark before taking another dose and then pay attention as to when the symptoms begin to return so that you are gradually decreasing your dosing schedule to 2-3 times per day, increasing length of time between doses by a ½ hour each time. Once you have reached this 2-3 times per day for 1-2 days you can then stop taking the remedy and you are ‘cured’. With children I always recommend to stop after being symptom free for 1 day.

Infants dosing should be ½ of that of an adults dose, however, as I have learned, sometimes with a young child the adult dose is appropriate to initially relieve symptoms so do not be afraid to use more in a infant or young child.

AGAIN…the trick is watch for symptom reduction! If you aren’t seeing a reduction in symptoms with the first hour of use (2-4 doses) then move onto another homeopathic!! I have increased the amount taken in children in very stubborn or acute symptoms just to ‘tamp’ it down quickly and then reduce the amount taken once I have reduced symptoms.

Homeopathics for Cold Symptoms:


Remedies are chosen based on the symptoms for which each one is indicated.


Aconite Napellus

This homeopathic remedy is often indicated during the beginning signs of a cold. If you feel anxious and agitated as well as thirsty, aconite may be needed. Symptoms that point to the use of this remedy include a dry, stuffy nose with a thin nasal discharge. A choking cough may be present, along with a scratchy throat. This remedy is recommended for children who are visibly chilled during a cold.


Allium Cepa

Allium Cepa may be needed when a cold coincides with a teasing cough. A clear discharge may come from the runny nose that is very irritating to the nostrils and upper lip. Open air can often stop the runny nose, but being inside can make symptoms worse.


Baryta Carbonica

When an individual has recurrent colds that seem to appear after being chilled, baryta carb may be indicated. A runny nose may be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, tonsils or adenoids when this remedy is needed.


Bryonia Alba

Bryonia alba, also called bryony is a common homeopathic remedy for congestion (nasal and chest), it is considered most appropriate for people who tend towards irritability and perfectionism, and who become demanding and critical when ill. If symptoms are aggravated by movement, cold and dampness, but relieved by warmth and rest, this is another indication for bryonia.


When the eyes are red, irritated and watery from a cold, Euphrasia is a commonly indicated remedy. A cough may result from an irritated throat with a collection of phlegm. Nighttime can cause an increase in symptoms, though lying down may offer some relief for the person in need of this homeopathic remedy.



If your head cold leaves you feeling lethargic and achy, gelsemium may be indicated. This remedy is often helpful if the cold is accompanied by a headache, fever and chills along the spine. You may also feel heat or pressure on the face and nose. If you are trembling or shaky, this may be the remedy of choice.


Hepar Sulph

When you suffer from a very loose, rattling cough with gagging that produces a yellow mucus, hepar sulph may be indicated. An extreme sensitivity to cold may also suggest the need for this homeopathic remedy. Cold foods or beverages may induce a coughing fit and make you feel even worse. Emotional vulnerability, irritability and touchiness may all indicate this as the remedy of choice. Hepar sulph is often used in cases of bronchitis and croup.


Kali Bichromicum

May be used for the chest congestion and cough of bronchitis, particularly when coughing causes pain behind the breastbone. A homeopath is even more likely to prescribe kali bichromicum if symptoms are worse in the cold and early in the morning, but improve with warmth.

Natrum Muriaticum

Natrum is often indicated when a head cold produces a clear nasal discharge and sneezing that is worse in the morning. Chapped or cracked lips may be present, as well as cold sores around the mouth. You may experience a headache along with a dampened sense of smell or taste when in need of this homeopathic remedy.

Nux Vomica

Those who suffer from nasal congestion that becomes much worse at night, yet turns into running in the day time, may need Nux Vomica. A burning sensation may accompany the runny nose. Irritability and impatience are also common when Nux Vomica is needed for a cold. The remedy may be administered every


If hoarseness is present with a tickly cough hurting the throat, this remedy may be needed. Phosphorus is also indicated when a cold travels to the chest quickly. Talking or laughing may aggravate the cough. This homeopathic remedy is often indicated in cases of laryngitis.


This homeopathic remedy is one of the best for colds that result in thick yellow or green mucus. A stuffy nose may occur while indoors, but become runny when outside in open air. An increase in congestion and high fever may take place in the evening. If coughs are dry in the evening, yet become loose in the morning, this remedy may be needed. Children who need Pulsatilla often wish to be held or comforted, and respond well to the remedy.
Most Indicated Homeopathic Remedies for Infants and Toddlers


Aconite is often needed when the symptoms of a cold first appear. The child may appear to be chilled with the onset of symptoms taking place after exposure to cold air. Symptoms may worsen after midnight in the child who needs aconite. Anxiousness and thirst may also be present. Aconite should be used when a cold comes on suddenly accompanied by chills, sweats and a fever. According to Dr. Ellen Feingold, the remedy should be taken every 30 minutes to two hours until symptoms resolve.

Allium Cepa

When a child has a cold that causes a burning discharge from the eyes and nose along with excessive sneezing, Dr. Carolyn Dean recommends Allium Cepa. This homeopathic cold remedy should be given every 30 minutes to two hours. When improvement is seen in the discharge, the frequency may be decreased. The remedy may be stopped once the inflammation of the eyes and nose has resolved.


Colds that come on slowly in a fatigued child with vague muscle aches, headaches and chills up the spine, indicate that Gelsemium may be the homeopathic remedy of choice. A fever is often present, but the child does not appear thirsty. Administer the remedy every 30 minutes to two hours, slowly reducing the frequency as the symptoms abate.

Nux Vomica

Infants who suffer from nasal congestion that becomes much worse at night, yet turns into running in the day time, may need Nux Vomica. A burning sensation may accompany the runny nose. According to Dr. Maesimund B. Panos, irritability and impatience are also common when Nux Vomica is needed for a cold. The remedy may be administered every 30 minutes to two hours, reducing the frequency as symptoms begin to disappear.


Pulsatilla is often the best remedy when a cold is accompanied by thick yellow mucus discharged in large amounts. If an infant does not have a fever yet feels warm consistently, this may be a well-suited remedy. Give Pulsatilla every 30 minutes to two hours. Once the mucous has become clear or less prevalent, immediately reduce the frequency of administration.
(taken from


There are many combination homeopathic remedies that contain the above listed remedies. Many people will choose a combination remedy to use to take the guess work out of the situation.

Some of the ones that I have found most effective are:


Cold and Flu Remedy by Family Homeopathic Medicine™ which is produced by a company called Vitasalus and can be found at their website:

ColdCalm by Boiron…though I have found this combination remedy best for the start of cold and not for symptoms that are full-blown.


I will mention too that I keep handy this cough syrup by Boiron. It is called Chestal Honey and it works well too! There is one for adults and one for children and is in a honey base (not suitable for infants).


Here is a very handy chart I found at:


Print it off and keep it handy just in case!








Comes   on suddenly.

Fearful,   restless, cheeks hot and red.

First   stage of cold. Caused by exposure to cold dry winds

Sudden   dry painful cough/croup watery mucous, sweats on uncovered parts. High fever   with sensitivity to light. Thirsty, watery runny nose, possible bright red   nose bleed.

Fresh open   air, sleep

Warm   stuffy room

In the   evening and at night

Lying on   affected side. Irritated by music, dry,

cold   winds.

Allium cepa

Profuse,   bland, watery discharge from eyes. Nasal discharge is profuse and burning.   Warm rooms aggravate, better in open air.

Eyes run   but the discharge is usually bland

Violent   sneezing.

Mucous   burns/corrodes top lip. Tickle in larynx, hoarseness, hacking cough worse   breathing in cold air

desires   onions

Fresh   air


Cold air.

Stuffy   room.

Getting   feet wet.

Arsenicum album

Complaints   are usually right-sided. Watery, burning nasal discharge. Restlessness,   weakness, anxiety, thirsty for sips at frequent intervals, chilly, desires   company.

Right   nostril burns/corrodes top lip watery thin discharge, but nose feels blocked.   Excessive sneezing, Irritation, tickling of the nose. Cold might move to   chest.

Heat,   elevated head,

Warm   drinks, company

Wet,   windy weather.

Midnight   to 2am. Sight or smell of food.


First   stage of cold, sudden onset,

high   fever, red face, cold extremeties, throbbing pains, patient radiates heat.

Skin hot,   dry with high temperature
Throbbing headache, very thirsty or not thirsty at all

sore   throat on right side

Tickly   throat, light hurts eyes
Eyes glassy
Eyes dilated

delirious   in high fever
dry barking cough
desires lemons or lemonade

Sitting   upright or standing.

In warm   room

Jarring,   movement,

Noise,   drafts.

From   lying down.

After   12noon,


Bryonia alba

A Cold   slow to develop, painful coughs–patient holds chest when he coughs; worse   from slightest movement, dry mucus membranes and very thirsty, worse for   company, worse for having to answer questions, very irritable, wants to be   alone.

Better   for being still and quiet.

cold   moves into chest. A painful, dry, spasmodic cough. Left-sided headache,   otherwise, right-sided complaints.

From   applying firm, cool pressure to head and chest.

In cool   surroundings

For   movement.

Bright   lights.

Eating,   noise

and touch

9pm and   3pm.


Worse   from damp and cold/damp weather, worse from change of weather, worse from   drafts.

Thick   saliva and hoarse voice

Possible   cold sores

Thirst   for cold drinks

Post-nasal   drip, lumbago or an Earache, watery diarrhea

warm,   dry air.


For   rest.

At night.

Cold,   damp weather


The   opposite of Allium Cepa: Nasal discharge is bland; discharge from the eyes is   burning. Cough only in the daytime.

Copious   fluid from nose

Bursting   sensation as sinuses fill. At night little pains all over body. Heat/fever   descends the body, sweats only on front.

Later   symptoms, chilliness, loose violent cough, pressing pain under sternum.

Lying   down in darkened room but may feel more blocked up.

For   coffee

From   warm, windy weather. Being indoors.

In the   evening.

Bright   light.

Ferrum phos.

A cold   that comes on slowly. Beginning of colds when symptoms are vague. Right-sided   complaints.

Mild   fever may be present

Mouth   feels hot.

Throat is   red and swollen.

Possible   nose bleeds.

Gentle   exercise.

Applying   a cold compress to the forehead.

For   fresh air.

In the   Sun.

For   jarring or touch. Lying on right side. Between

4am&   6pm


Cold   comes on gradually. Patient’s appearance: dopey, drowsy, droopy and dull. You   could also add dizzy! Inclination to sleep. Apathetic. Weakness, chills run   up and down back, headache starts in back of head or neck and spreads   forward, heavy head, thirstless.

Tiredness,   heavy body sensation. Headache above nape of neck. Tickling in nose gets   worse. Later a running nose, watery and irritating

Fresh   air.


After   urinating.

Bending   forward, sweating.

Drinking   alcohol.

Before   thunderstorm.

Early in   the morning and last thing at night.


Tobacco   smoke.

Hepar sulph

Over-sensitive   to pain; anxiety, irritable, angry outbursts, chilly and worse from cold,   intolerant of drafts, worse uncovering a hand or a foot, swollen glands, bad   odor of discharges, splinter-like pains.

Cold   starts with watery runny nose. Later, excessive yellow mucous with   offensive-smelling discharge and sneezing. Irritability and chilliness.

For   wrapping

head   firmly.

Warm,   moist environment.

In   cold air, draughts.

Getting   cold from undressing.

If   touched.

Kali bichrom

Second   stage of cold.

Thick,   yellow, ropy, stringy nasal discharge. Sinusitis.

Thick   post-nasal drip.

Thick   mucous may block nose.

yellow or   green discharge with postnasal drip. Sinus headaches, pressure pain at root   of nose.

From   warmth

In   the morning.

Hot   weather

Getting   cold from undressing.

Natrum mur

Beginning   stages of a cold with sneezing. “Egg-white” nasal discharge. Runny   eyes worse in open air or wind. Sun and light aggravate. Warm, worse heat.   Cold sores on lips, vesicles in mouth, cracked lips, ailments from grief.

Wants   to be left alone.

A dislike   for sympathy.

Cold   starts with fits of sneezing and a thin catarrhal discharge consistency of   the white of a raw egg. Nose maybe blocked with tendency towards developing   cold sores.

Applying   cold compresses to the sinuses.


Fresh   open air

In sea   air or wet weather. Mental, physical exertion. Around 10am. Bright light or   hot sun. Noise, talking, music.

Nux vomica

Cold,   chills, worse slightest draft of air, ailments from over-work, irritable and   angry, impatient; runny nose in the morning, obstructed at night; stomach   pains, better warm drinks, constipation with ineffectual urging.

Runny   nose during the day

blocked   at night.

Overcritical   of others, impulsive,

chilliness,   watery eyes,

sneezing,   headache,

sore   throat



Firm   pressure,

in the   evening.

Washing   and

warm   compresses

Windy,   Cold, dry weather. In public places. After over-indulgence of spicy foods

and   stimulants such as coffee.


3am &   4am.


Patient   is weepy and wants to be consoled. Warm and worse heat, worse sun, better   walking slowly in open air, worse warm stuffy rooms, dry mouth but no thirst,   worse at twilight, worse from fatty foods; bland and often greenish nasal   discharge

Possible   nose bleeds

runny   nose during the day,

blocked   nose at night

thirstless,   loss of smell

Headache   above eyes

Crying   and Sympathy.

Exercise   and

fresh   open air.

Cold drinks,   cold compresses.

Raising   hands above the head.

Rich,   fatty foods.

Heat, In   the sun.

In the   evening and at night.

Rhus tox.

Second   stage of cold

Congested   nose and scratchy throat. Worse cold and cold wet weather. Better warmth and   warm bathing. Stiffness and restlessness. Desires cold milk. Worse in cloudy,   foggy, rainy weather; worse getting wet. Can’t be still, must move.

Thick,   yellow/green nasal discharge with a red scratchy throat, dry cough, tickling,   hoarseness. Cough prevents sleep

From   warmth, hot bathing.

>From   motion.

For   changing positions.

Cough   worse in cold room.

Cold,   wet, rainy weather.

During   sleep.


I cannot emphasize enough that if you don’t see symptom improvement within 4 doses in the first 1-2 hours then you need to try a different one…don’t keep taking something that isn’t working for you!

Also, I will note, that if you aren’t getting better within a week, symptoms become severe or a high temperature is run for more than 6hrs, you should seek professional help. Wisdom is knowing when to ask others for help.

The next article will discuss and share homeopathic remedies for the flu. Be sure to see Pt.4 coming soon!

December 6, 2011 Posted by | Baby/Infant, Homeopathics, Medical Conditions, Self-Help | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment