
surviving without the doctor

Homeopathic Remedies for Tooth/Teeth Problems

teethBelow you will find a comprehensive list of homeopathic remedies that are most useful for problems with teeth and are most often used by holistic dentists. I can personally attest to the use of many of these remedies due my years of personal use. As for the dental part, I have found hypericum and arnica to be my go to remedies along with silicea. These were the main 3 that I used during my experience with the cracked teeth. The beauty of homeopathic remedies is that are inexpensive, never go ‘bad’ if kept properly and you will KNOW if you are using the correct one within several minutes as symptoms will begin to ease quickly. Also, homeopathic remedies can be used for many other physical problems, injuries, etc. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have. And as always, see a dentist as soon as possible, when possible.

Belladonna – Best used for early dental abscess accompanied by redness and throbbing.
Bryonia – Use for acute inflammation or if pricking pain is relieved by firm pressure.
Hepar Sulphuris – Use for abscess accompanied by pus formation.
Myristica – Use when swelling is accompanied by numbness of the area.
Pulsatilla – Use when the pain is accentuated by heat and relieved by cold water.
Pyrogenium – Use when pus is present without drainage.
Silicea – Use to hasten the discharge when pus is draining.This remedy suits especially abscesses about the roots of the teeth and dental fistulae; the pains are worse from eating warm food or or when cold air gets into the mouth; they are worse at night and the teeth feel loose.

Aconite – Use for panic, fright, and general mental and physical restlessness, or sudden violent attacks.
Calcerea carbonica – Use for the fearful, weary, and hopeless person who worries toward evening.
Coffea cruda (potentized coffee) – Works well as a tranquilizer.
Chamomilla – as a tranquilizing action for restful sleep. Also raises low pain threshold.
Gelsemium sempervirens- works well for panic attack worry/fear
Nux vomica – Works well in many high strung, nervous, irritable people with stomach problems.
Pulsatilla – Use for states of anxiety.

Belladonna – Use for grinding problem that causes painful teeth.
Podophyllum – Use for night grinding when experiencing a burning sensation of the tongue.
Tuberculinum – Use for children who grind their teeth.
Zlncum metallicum – Use for teeth gritting during difficult times/stress and associated with loose teeth and bleeding gums.


Arsenicum album – Use for unhealthy, bleeding gums.
China – Use for gum tissue that is bleeding.
Ferrum phosphoricum – Use for poor gum tone or gums that bleed after brushing.
Hypericum – Use for tender gum tissue and to promote healing.
Kali chloricum – Use for acute ulcerative tissue.
Mercurius- more often indicated in toothache than any other remedy. Its special indications are a pulsating toothache, due to inflamed dentine or to periostitis of the sockets; it is worse at night and in damp weather. The teeth feel elongated and sore, and this soreness affects the whole of the jaw and face, and is worse from warmth, somewhat relieved by gentle rubbing of the face. It is the chief remedy in painful ulcerations at the roots of the teeth and for pain in the hollow teeth, the gums are swollen, ulcerated and retracted from the teeth, and there is usually an offensive odor from the mouth.
Naturium muriaticum – Tissue integrity.
Hepar sulphuris – Tissue with suppuration, chronic abcesses.
Silicea – Periodontal abscess with swollen glands.
Staphysagria – Loose teeth, pain increased by pressure.With this remedy the gums are unhealthy and retracted, and there is a tendency to decay of the teeth. They turn black and crumble as soon as they appear, a condition found in sycotic children. It is a splendid remedy for gnawing in the roots of decayed teeth, affecting a whole row, and is especially adapted to old women who have a mouthful of painful stumps.
Symphytum – Injuries to periosteum. Stimulates growth of epithelium on ulcerated surfaces.
Mercurius solubilis – Use for acute ulcerative tissue with a coated tongue and metallic taste in the mouth.
Nux vomica – Use for swollen painful gums when the back of the tongue has a whitish coating and when the patient consumes a lot of stimulants such as coffee and tea.
Phosphorus – Use on swollen gums that bleed easily, and when there’s an overproduction of saliva.
Ruta graveolens – Use for injured bone and alveolitis (“dry socket”).

Arnica – Use for bleeding accompanied by bruised soreness.
Ferrum phosphoricum – Use when there is bright red bleeding.
Phosphorus – Use for persistent bleeding.

Arnica- use for feeling of being bruised/broken with dull throbbing especially when it hurts to talk.
Aconite – Trigeminal neuralgia
Aranea diadema – Use for radiating pain in the right side of the face that is aggravated by cold. Also use for sudden, severe pain in the teeth at night after lying down.
Cuprum metallicum – Use for cramping of muscles.
Gelsemium sempervirens – Use to relieve headache and pain of the upper back and neck, which extends over the head and for dizziness and numbness.
Hypericum- use for sharp nerve like pain.
Ignacia – Use for headache as if a nail were driven through the side of the head.
Lachesis – Left-sided complaints
Lycopodium – Right-sided complaints
Magnesia phosphorus – Use for spasmodic pains made worse by cold water and made better by heat and rubbing.
Sanguinaria – Right-sided neuralgia-facial migraine.
Spigelia – Use for pain involving the eye, cheek, and left temple areas.
Zincum phosphoricum – Sharp pains on right side of head.
Zincum valerian – Sharp pains on left side of head.

Apis mellifica – Good for post-injection soreness after dental work.
Chamomilla – Give one hour prior to dental appointrnent for patients with a low pain threshold. It also expedites the wearing off of the numbness following the dental appointment.
Hypericum – Use where there is an injured nerve.
Ledum – Use for puncture wounds and soreness resulting from a dental injection.
Magnesia phosphorica – Use for stiff, sore jaws following prolonged dental work when the muscles are cramped and feel better with warmth.
Staphysagria – Use for incision-type wounds after soft tissue surgery.
Symphytum – Use for trauma of bone and periosteum and damaged teeth

Baryta carbonica – Use when there is excessive saliva during sleep.
Bryonia alba – Use for an extremely dry mouth, with dryness of mucous membranes and great thirst.
Phosphorus – Use for hypersalivation and when gums are swollen and bleed easily.
Pulsatilla – Use for diminished saliva with no thirst.

Arum triphyllum – Use for pain in joint on swallowing.
Calcarea flourica – Use for hypermobile joints
Calcarea phosphorica – Use when mouth cannot be opened without pain.
Carbo vegetabilis – Use for vertigo with nausea and tinnitus.
Chamomilla – Use for low pain threshold. Unbearable spasms of pain radiating into the ear.
Cuprum metallicum – Use for trismus of muscles.
Granatum – Use for painful cracking of the joint.
Magnesium phosphorica – Use for muscle spasms.
Phytolacca decanda – Use for earaches with pain extending into teeth, jaw, and throat.
Rhus toxicodendron – Use for joint stiffness that improves with movement and for popping” of TMJ.

Arnica-Use for cracked tooth that hurts with pressure applied, low throbbing pain…think bruised tooth
Antimonium crudum – Use for a toothache that is worse at night and is aggravated by heat.
Aranea diadema – Use for sudden, severe pain in the teeth after lying down.
Belladonna – Use for throbbing tooth that’s worse when pressure is applied. Has toothache from inflammation of dental pulp. The pains are burning and throbbing, worse at night, worse on contact, as in chewing and in the open air. There is a red hot face and great nervous excitability.
Calcarea carbonica – Use for a toothache that worsens when exposed to hot or cold air.
Chamomilla – Use for a toothache with intolerable pain that’s worse from warmth and not better with cold. Excellent remedy in unbearable toothache affecting a whole row of teeth occurring in paroxysms, with pains radiating to the ears. The special features are the intolerance of pain, aggravation, from warmth. It is worse during and after eating warm food, and especially from drinking coffee.
Coffea cruda – Use for toothache that worsens with heat and is relieved by ice. This remedy will often remove the most severe pains of toothache which almost drive the patient frantic. It is a stinging, jerking, intermittent pain, worse while chewing, worse from warm drink, and entirely relieved for a time by holding cold water in the mouth, returning when the water becomes warm. It suits especially hypersensitive, nervous persons.
Ferrum metallicum – Use for a toothache that is relieved by ice water.
Magnesia carbonica – Use for a toothache that is worse at night, Patient must get up and walk about for relief.
Magnesia phosphorica – Use for a toothache that is worse from cold and better from warmth.
Taken all in all, Mercurius is probably more often indicated in toothache than any other remedy. Its special indications are a pulsating toothache, due to inflamed dentine or to periostitis of the sockets; it is worse at night and in damp weather. The teeth feel elongated and sore, and this soreness affects the whole of the jaw and face, and is worse from warmth, somewhat relieved by gentle rubbing of the face. It is the chief remedy in painful ulcerations at the roots of the teeth and for pain in the hollow teeth, the gums are swollen, ulcerated and retracted from the teeth, and there is usually an offensive odor from the mouth.
Plantago major – Use for a toothache that is better with pressure and worse without cold air.
Pulsatilla – Use for a toothache that is relieved by holding cold water in the mouth.
Staphysagria – Use for pain from major decay of a number of teeth.

Calcarea carbonica – Use for a delayed eruption.
Chamomilla – Use for difficult teething.
Zlncum metallicum – Use for teeth gritting during difficult eruption and associated with loose teeth and bleeding gums.

Taken all in all, Mercurius is probably more often indicated in toothache than any other remedy. Its special indications are a pulsating toothache, due to inflamed dentine or to periostitis of the sockets; it is worse at night and in damp weather. The teeth feel elongated and sore, and this soreness affects the whole of the jaw and face, and is worse from warmth, somewhat relieved by gentle rubbing of the face. It is the chief remedy in painful ulcerations at the roots of the teeth and for pain in the hollow teeth, the gums are swollen, ulcerated and retracted from the teeth, and there is usually an offensive odor from the mouth.
Natrum muriaticum – Use for cold sores and fever blisters. Lips and corners of mouth dry and cracked lips.
Nitricum acidum – Use for ulcers with irregular edges and a raw appearance with a tendency to bleed easily.

Dosage Guidelines for Remedies 200 X and Under

Choice of Potency
When the treatment is prescribed on the basis of local signs and symptoms, prescribe low potencies, under 12X.
When the treatment is prescribed on the basis of a mixture of local, general, mental and emotional signs and symtoms, prescribe higher potencies, 30X – 200X.

Times Remedies Should Be Taken

Low potency remedies (under 12X)
first aid every 5-30 minutes
acute conditions every 30 minutes to hourly, decreasing to 3-4 times a day
Medium potency remedies (12X – 30X)
one to three times a day
High potency remedies (30X – 200X)
once a day.
Potency Vs. Duration of Action The lower the potency, the shorter its duration of action (acute conditions). The higher the potency, the longer its duration of action (chronic conditions). As opposed to pathologic or specific symptom prescribing, constitutional prescribing does not treat the disease entity, but rather the symptom complex of the individual who has the disease. The purpose of constitutional prescribing is not to seek to change a patient’s character, but by modifying it’s tone balances it, thereby giving systematic, systemic support to the self-healing effort of the organism. By encompassing the sum total of the individual’s physical, emotional, and mental picture constitutional analysis and prescribing performs psychotherapy while also working on the physical level.

Of note, do not worry if you only have ONE ‘potency’. It will still work, just follow the instructions above for what you DO HAVE

Stay safe and be prepared

November 8, 2014 Posted by | Baby/Infant, Guidelines, Homeopathics, Medical Conditions | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Homeopathy and Herbs During Ebola Threat Pt.1

ebola10There is no cure nor treatment for Ebola. There is only prevention, strengthening our immune system and supportive (palliative) care. While our country has some of the best healthcare available in the world there are other ways that you dear reader can help yourself in the event of the unthinkable…an outbreak of Ebola and what YOU can do before and during an outbreak.

First, let me clear, I am not a licensed health care professional, just someone who is very passionate about alternative therapies. I have managed to live to the rip old age of 42 with very little help from the medical community in dealing with illnesses. I have managed to keep my 5 children out of the doctors office also, none of them have seen a doctor for anything except one case where a school official forced me into getting an ‘all clear’ note from a doctor during a strep outbreak. So with this in mind, let me share with you what you can do for yourself to support your health in the event of an outbreak of ebola.


First things first, prevention is going to be KEY as is the case in type of viral or bacterial ‘outbreak’ within a given population or community. Since we have no vaccine for Ebola at this time we have to fall back onto the basics.

Frequent hand washing with soap and hot water. Hand sanitizers do NOT WORK against many viruses though rubbing alcohol will.
Not touching the eyes, nose or mouth (easiest pathway for germs/viruses/bacteria to enter)
Sanitizing surfaces with bleach or rubbing alcohol.
Avoiding contact with those who may potentially have Ebola (Isolation).

Seems simple right? Well, tomorrow I really want you to practice these preventative measures and then keep on going. It takes time to get into infection control practice.

Next, we want to help your immune system to be at its peak. Ways of doing so can be found here.

Okay, got that down. Now what specifically can YOU do to help your body fight off a potential viral infection? There are a few herbs that are known to help support the body in this matter. Boneset and Goldenseal are the two best for this. Use either one daily. You can find more information on viruses and how to protect yourself from them here in my discussion on Entero Virus 68.

Now, let us say you have done all this, taken all the precautions you can possibly take to keep yourself and your immune system healthy. You hear on the news that an Ebola case has been confirmed within 300 miles of your area. Now what?

Time to REALLY practice your ‘staying healthy protocols’. But there are other things to add to this. If you are a normal healthy person with no pre-existing conditions you could also begin to add either Kola Nut tincture or Japanesse Knotweed tincture. Both of these have highly active compounds that viruses of all sorts do not like. A recent paper was presented in St.Louis, Missouri speaking about Kola Nut extract and Ebola. Sam Coffman over at the Herbal Medic speaks about Japanesse Knotweed and Ebola. I would like to make 2 notes here. Kola Nut contains natural caffeine and would not be suggested for those with high blood pressure or anyone sensitive to caffeine. Japanesse Knotweed must be used sparingly as overuse can cause bowel bleeding in some individuals and must NOT be used in individuals prone to bleeding or suspected of having Ebola. For more information on viruses, herbs and tinctures please visit here.

Homeopathy also offers supportive measures. When dealing with homeopathy less is MORE! According to Dr. Vickie Menear, M.D. and homeopath, found that the remedy that most closely fit the symptoms of the 1914 “flu” virus, Crolatus horridus, also fits the Ebola virus nearly 95% symptom-wise! So what does this mean to you? If Ebola is in your area or near you, you can use Crolatus Horridus 30c to help support your immune system against Ebola.


Homeopathy is a proven and safe method for supporting the body and helping the body to come back into a normal state of health. Used as a preventative this is what you do according to Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na):

ONE DOSE of Crolatus Horridus 30c DAILY IF NEAR BY or potentially exposed to the Ebola virus. (of course all other safety measures should be taken IF you have knowingly been exposed or come into contact with an infected individual)
Stop taking once threat is over!!!
this means in your local area and ONLY in an epidemic/pandemic situation…otherwise follow the advice below.

However, standard prophylaxis protocol maybe used in the event that it is in your REGION (about a 300 mile radius)

According to Miranda Castro (a trained homeopath):
OK, in brief here are my thoughts about using homeopathic remedies as preventatives.
1. The beauty of homeopathy is that less Is more. More is not more. In fact, more can be a bad, bad thing.
2. If you take too much of a remedy – whether you need it or not – and, if you are sensitive in general and/or if you are sensitive to the remedy in particular – you can get symptoms you never had before. They don’t usually last long but they can be a pain. Literally. It’s how we test our medicines.
3. Don’t give the children unnecessary medications. Including homeopathic medicines.
4. Use homeopathic preventatives only in an epidemic. And only if the epidemic is really and truly in your area.
5. The safest preventatives are the ones with a proven track record. Some are nosodes (Pertussin for Whooping Cough, Morbillinum for Measles and so on). Some are not – the genus epidemics is the very best preventative of all (homeopathically) – the remedy that is helping the most in any epidemic.
6. Stick with a 30C potency (unless you are under the guidance of a homeopathic practitioner who has made other recommendations). 30C is strong but gentle and has a proven track record. No need to go higher.
7. You only need to give a single dose every 3-4 weeks – that’s how long the effects of a preventative typically last.

REMEMBER: do NOT take more of any alternative method/remedy than recommended, especially homeopathic…you will make yourself ‘prove’ it (make yourself sick!)

So with this advice in mind, stay safe, be prepared and take good care of yourself and those you love. In a later post I will talk about how to support yourself in case you contract Ebola in spite your best efforts until you can get to professional medical care.


October 13, 2014 Posted by | Herbs, Homeopathics, Infectious Disease, Medical Conditions, Self-Help | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Natural Ways to Combat Latent Radiation Damage

   With an ongoing issue from the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami in the early part of 2011, there have been questions raised (yet again) about the contamination of the US food supply, especially from foods coming from the western part of the US including seafood from the Pacific Ocean. While we can most certainly take the precaution of knowing where the food we eat comes from, many times, we can’t find that information out or it maybe that we simply cannot avoid buying or eating foods that have been exposed to the fallout from Fukashima. But we can help ourselves by knowing what to do and what to eat to protect ourselves.

First line of defense is to….

Stay CALM!

You don’t freak out over getting a CAT scan, MRI, X-Ray nor do you even begin to think about the food on store shelves that have been irradiated to extend shelf life or kill bacteria. Life saving medical treatments also introduce radiation into the body. Cell phones and many other everyday ‘things’ also put out radiation, so we are already dealing with radiation ‘contamination’ within our bodies and we don’t think twice about any of this. Certainly the contamination coming from Fukashima is something to be concerned about, but knowledge is power and gives us peace of mind. We will NOT be able to avoid radiation in our environment nor in our food system, but we can counter-act the damage that it may cause.

There are very simple ways to help the body remove radiation from the body. The ‘biggies’ (by the way) that we are most concerned about are Iodine-131, Cesium-137, Uranium-234 and Strontium. I have avoided mentioning kelp and seaweed because most of the ones available commercially come from areas that are heavily contaminated with the very isotopes we trying to avoid and/or protect ourselves against. But if you can find a good source that can be verified as clean, then by all means have at it.

ACE- vitamins A, C, E. These are antioxidant vitamins that protect your bodys cells from environmental damage. You may get these through supplements or through the food you eat. If you choose to use a supplement to get these vitamins, make sure that you use a natural form of vitamin E…the synthetic version is not as effective as the natural form of vitamin E.

B vitamins are essential also to helping us ‘detox’ and feel great.

Garlic – Garlic’s high sulfur content supports natural antioxidant systems like glutathione. Garlic extracts protect red blood cells from radiation damage by a glutathione-related mechanism. In mice, garlic extracts prevented radiation damage to chromosomes in vulnerable bone marrow cells.

Onions – Cysteine, present in onions, binds with and deactivates both the radioactive isotopes and toxic metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury. The sulfur in cysteine helps the kidneys and liver detoxify the body.

Pectin which is present in many fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, citrus fruits and beans, binds to and helps eliminate from the body different radioactive isotopes.

Potassium – Cesium-137, cesium-134, potassium-40, and potassium-42 are radioactive, competitive sister elements of natural potassium, all of which are in the same chemical family. These radionuclides are absorbed by the body when there is a deficiency of natural potassium. They concentrate primarily in the reproductive organs and the muscles. Cesium-137 is common in nuclear fallout, and can often be detected in our food, soil, and water. The authors of one study described our biosphere as “contaminated with radiocesium.”

Researchers discovered that after the accident atChernobyl, iodine-131 and cesium-137 were the most prevalent radionuclides in samples of food from theUSSR and fromPoland, Hungary, and other parts ofEastern Europe. Cesium-137 is also already being used in some countries to irradiate foods as a means of extending their shelf life at the supermarket. Research by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences demonstrates that natural potassium decreases the concentration of radiocesium. Potassium carries an electrical charge and is “wed” to sodium in many of the electrical/chemical balancing chores it performs in our bodies. Adequate intake of potassium is critically important when exposure to radiation is a threat because abundant potassium in the blood stream will block rapid absorption of Cesium-137.

Begin to add potassium rich foods such as potatoes, avocado, raisins, sardines, flounder, orange juice, winter squash, banana, apricots, cantaloupe, tomato, milk, salmon, beans, sweet potato, beef liver, peaches, steak, haddock, pork, lamb, turkey, tuna, and chicken.

Herbs with high levels of potassium include sage, catnip, hops, dulse, peppermint, skullcap, kelp, and red clover. You’ll also find it in horsetail, nettles, borage, and plantain. If a nuclear event escalates in which cesium is being released, then also adding supplemental potassium is recommended. Potassium regulation is affected by magnesium.

Magnesium rich foods are Whole wheat bread, Whole grain cereals, tofu, spinach, soy milk, pumpkin and squash seeds, scallops and rockfish, raw plantain, okra, oysters, peanuts, halibut, raw broccoli and black beans.

Spirulina – a single-celled freshwater algae and an incredible source of nutrients. It provides generous amounts of Beta Carotene, Vitamin B-12, Iron and Chlorophyll. Spirulina also provides RNA, DNA and important GLA fatty acids.

Chlorophyll – A Report by Scottist in 1986 and report fromJapanshowed that increase absorption of Cadmium by Chlorella and increased excretion of Cadmium by threefold after intake of Chlorella from animal testing. Chlorella can also detoxify Uranium, Lead, Copper, PCB. Source: ” A good Health Guide: Chlorella ” by William H Lee. R. Ph.D. and Michael Rosenbaum, M.D. Guinea pigs on a diet rich in chlorophyll showed increased resistance to lethal X-rays.

Both Spirulina and chlorophyll are consider ‘super foods’…meaning they are nutrient dense and highly detoxifying…great for the body no matter what.

One comment I must make about purchasing Spirulina and Chlorophyll…know where it is coming from! I would personally avoid any spirulina or chlorophyll that comes from areas already contaminated by radiation includingChina.Hawaiiwould be the safest bet for spirulina. Heck, you can ‘grow’ your own algae if you so desire!

Charcoal – Has the ability to absorb and neutralize radioactive substances and some toxic materials. Researchers report that 10 grams or 1 tablespoon of charcoal can absorb about 3 to 7 grams of materials. Taking finely powdered charcoal has been found to be one-and-a-half times as effective as the tablets. You may even put the charcoal into capsules if you so desire.

Zeolite – Zeolites have been used to decontaminate animals, particularly sheep and reindeer, which have ingested radiation following nuclear disasters such asChernobyl. Addition of zeolites to contaminated soils has shown to reduce up-take of radionuclides by plants, and hence, reduce the spreading of contamination through the food chain. (Introduction to Zeolite Science and Practice by Herman van Bekkum). Do not take any product containing zeolite if you are taking any prescription medication containing heavy metals, such as lithium, or containing platinum, which can be found in some cancer medications or Radiotherapy with chemotherapy check with your practitioner.

Medicinal mushrooms such as, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Matiake, Shitake and Chaga are all very important and well documented to enhance over-all immunity, protect against cellular changes and act as effective protectors against radiation poisoning as well as all manner of toxins that we ingest through out environment.  Eatten raw  (or in a yummy dish) or made into a tincture or syrup once or twice daily.

Rosemary –Rosmarinus officinalis – Rosmarinus has been revered for its protective qualities down through the ages. It’s now been found that two compounds in this wild Mediterranean plant, Carnosic and rosmarinic acids, naturally deter radiation poisoning.

In a study published this year in the British Journal of Radiology, February 2 edition, scientists inSpainreported finding that nothing fights radiation damage to micronuclei as well as rosemary. The fact that these compounds found in rosemary are fat soluble allows them to provide highly significant protective anti-mutagenic activity. Even the most powerful water-soluble antioxidants lack the capacity to protect against gamma ray induced damage.

In another study published in the Food and Chemical Toxicology, the generation of radiation induced cellular DNA damage to skin from free radicals was the focus. The researchers sought to demonstrate that rosmarinic acid from rosemary would act as a photo-protector both by acting as a scavenger of free radicals and as an inducer of the body’s own endogenous defense mechanisms. They found that formulation of toxic production was delayed by the use of rosmarinic acid, and the protection factor was 3.34 times greater than for other compounds studied, as measured in micronucleus testing.

Take 30 drops of rosemary tincture once to three times daily in a bit of water, depending on your level of exposure. For those primarily concerned about food exposure once a day will suffice.  Rosemary infused oil, applied to the skin will also be effective. Use dried rosemary often in your cooking, and drink rosemary teas and infusions.

Liver nourishing roots such as American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and burdock, (Arctium lappa) are loaded with mucilaginous properties and assist with the elimination of toxins out of the body…they act as a kind of magnet, pulling these radioactive elements to them and helping you excrete them through the eliminative organs.

Additionally American Ginseng, is proven to be radioprotective; it specifically protects human DNA from damage due to radiation particle ingestion, protects human peripheral lymphocytes from radiation induced stress, prevents radiation induced illness and protects against Cesium-137 exposure. 30 drops of tincture in water, once to three times daily should be an effective dose of any of these roots. Adding them to soups and stir fries and making water-based decoctions and/or syrups are all effective ways of using them.

I found an additional resource that is well thought out and lays it all out on radiation exposure, from the ‘biggie’ event down to environmental exposure. It is a download that would be well worth printing off for future reference.

As a last thought, while what happened in Japan last year is most certainly a human and environmental disaster that we have not yet fully come to appreciate nor seen the end of yet, we do have the power to help ourselves, protect ourselves and loved ones from the ‘fall out’ of radiation from environmental sources to man-made disasters. We can’t avoid eating…and Fukashima is not the only source of radiation contamination in our food chain. It occurs naturally too, but there are ways to counter-act it and they are simple and effective and most of us are probably already doing things that help to protect ourselves against radiation damage without even thinking about it. Even afterChernobylthose who ate ‘contaminated’ foods that were high in anti-oxidants, potassium and magnesium showed less of an effect from the radiation than those who did not. In other words, they couldn’t avoid eating contaminated crops, but they still ‘pulled through’ with less ill effects and many never developed any problems at all except for those closest to the disaster with direct exposure. Pick a couple of ‘new’ things to add to your diet and sleep well tonight knowing you are protecting yourself and loved ones from radiation danger.

Information resources:

April 5, 2012 Posted by | Guidelines, Herbs, Self-Help | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments